Cuba recalls violent bat attack in broad daylight in Havana

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Saturday 20 January 2024

At least three criminals attacked a Cuban citizen in broad daylight in Havana. His bitter reflection reveals how he was able to escape that horrific encounter alive.

“Today in Havana and throughout Cuba, life is worthless. Slogans and lies, promises and dreams that will never come true, are worthless in the face of a reality that cannot be hidden with a finger. Cuba is dying and with it the hopes and most Good dreams. Yesterday (01/16/024) at 3:00 pm I was approaching the Linea (Vedado) residential area in the middle of Avenida de los Presidentes and at the very clip, I almost lost my life.”

“I was treacherously attacked and violated for stealing a simple cell phone. I was attacked with a bat to kill.”

“In the incident I was almost unconscious and in the struggle and scuffle, because there were three alleged young offenders, they threw me from behind to end the action which was not victorious for them.”

Gerard Cass Mart explains that at least two people supported him, a fact that certainly helped him survive.

“Unfortunately, there is more than one case every day, but the consequences are such that can be fatal. It left its mark on my body and mind. Police officer: Okay, thank you. Law: A dead letter. Price ​And respect fell to the margins. “The causes that cause these and other growing social and economic deviations, the measures to resolve the causes and effects: in the waiting room.”

“Havana is not safe, it is not safe because of crime; but it is the result of a corrupt and embezzling system that has no solutions to any of the problems of today’s society.”

“I’m not going to make the story long. They didn’t kill me because two people came to my rescue.”

If the problem of violence was the only issue, Cass Marte pointed out that receiving medical attention was another difficult situation.

“What happened next was even worse. The insensitivity of the people, the population and the doctors’ lack of content and values ​​was the height of that day.”

“I had to walk 15 blocks without transportation assistance from the intersection of Calle G and Línea to the Calixto García Hospital and I had to draw the attention of the hospital guard corps with high-sounding words because of the known problems and the collateral and circumstantial damage I caused to the system. Is alive.”

“It was not my turn to die, but for whoever I sing my whole life. Later we say why we are like this, it is no one’s fault.

Another stripe for the tiger. Note: I still have my trophy, my lethal weapon: the cell phone.”

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