Cuba: Religious elders warn Cubans are at their limit.

Cuba: Religious elders warn Cubans are at their limit.

Havana (TV Martí).- Nadisca Almeida Miguel, superior of the congregation Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paulwarned that Cubans are “on the brink of every limit” and called for action because he believes “protest is not the solution.”

“We are facing very painful conditions, among them hunger.” I repeat: hunger. There are children, elderly people, families who are hungry,” the nun decried.

His comments come days after the UN World Food Program (WFP) recognized that there is an “urgent need” and a “deep economic crisis” on the island that is “having a significant impact on the food and nutrition security of the population.”

After the eleventh-hour blackout, Alameda Miguel, who has raised her voice on countless occasions to warn Cubans about being plunged into crisis and despair, said in a post on her social networks: “We And falling absolutely irresistible… If people can’t get transportation how can they reach their workplaces? How can teachers give classes and how can students get to them if they don’t rest at night ?

“I will never tire of raising my voice, inviting the people, the Cuban people, to listen. It doesn’t matter that what I say has no merit. It doesn’t matter that some people say: “You are right, but what can we do?” I keep listening to my inner voice and in it comes the voice of God who keeps reminding me that we are worthy, that no one can take that dignity away from us, and that keeps me hopeful, even though my eyes And my heart keeps crying helplessly. I am sure that God does not abandon us, I know that he will continue to sustain us, that he desires to be a people who live with honor as sons. I also have in my soul the hope of people who will be able to live without a master and in their own country…”, he assured.

At the end of her lesson, the nun explained that although she opposes violence, remaining silent is also not an option.

On November 15, 2022, in the heat of the Civic March for Change called for by the Archipelago platform and frustrated by the regime’s repressive forces, the nun was harassed by a group of “citizens” and a representative of the Communist Party. ,

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