Cuban farmers sing forty for the regime

A Cuban farmer shared a powerful message to the Castro regime on his network, in which he condemned the lack of freedom, the increase in repression and the general deprivation it is having on the population.

Jorge Cervantes Garciafrom Santiago de Cuba, affirmed that the government can open the doors of democracy once and for all, “so that everyone, not just that small group, has to pay the price of as much blood and sacrifice.”

Cervantes, former political prisoner and member of the Cuban opposition Patriotic Union (UNPACU) reminded that tyranny does not serve the people well, and pointed out that the people already know this.

“And what do they have? Terror, the last weapon they have left. Terror, scaring people. They filled the country with prisons and are investing in repression instead of investing in food, construction materials, welfare… ” , He asked question.

The activist described Díaz-Canel’s current tour of municipalities as “a national spectacle” with which the president tries to give the image that the country is recovering and that the people support him.

“But it does them no good, because the people who are forced to show off in front of them start saying what they feel as soon as they leave. Because they took care of the job, for the chicken thigh “Pretended to do.” , but when the fake becomes old, Cubans return to see each other again…”, he stressed.

Part of George’s live message was shared on user Javi’s Twitter account, but the full broadcast is available on his Facebook wall.

The dissident, who spent 14 years in prison, has not stopped suffering harassment from the regime, with new arrests, threats and acts of brutality against him and his family.

(TagstoTranslate)News from Cuba(T)Video(T)Repression in Cuba(T)Cuban farmers(T)Dictatorship(T)Cuban government(T)Dissidents in Cuba(T)Political prisoners(T)UNPACU

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