Ariel Henry to visit Kenya to finalize the deployment of the multinational mission

Haiti’s Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, will travel to Nairobi, Kenya next week to finalize details of the deployment of a UN-mandated Multinational Security Assistance Mission (MSS) to help pacify the Caribbean country. Serious crisis for years.

This Sunday, a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office said, which does not specify the exact date of travel, However it was indicated that this would follow his participation in the Ordinary Meeting of Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), which is being held in Georgetown, Guyana from this Sunday to next Wednesday.

In Kenya, the note said, Henry Will address this issue with Kenyan authorities, But also with other African countries.

With regard to the CARICOM meeting, he further said, the agenda of this meeting will include the participation of Caribbean countries in the deployment of a multinational mission authorized by the United Nations Security Council in 2023 in response to the request expressed by Henry in October 2022 for the abolition of the Caribbean. Armed gangs, who currently control 80% of the capital.

The international force will be led by the Government of Kenya, However the deployment of the security mission is being delayed, as the plan has been blocked by Kenyan courts.

According to UN data, 4,789 people were murdered, 1,698 injured and 2,490 kidnapped in Haiti in 2023, putting the country’s murder rate at 40.9 per 100,000, double the previous year and among the highest in the world. There is one.

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