Cuban sets fire to his ex-partner’s house

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Tuesday 16 January 2024

According to official profile complaints, a Cuban set fire to his former partner’s house.

The man, identified as Leonardo Reyes Meneses, decided to burn down the house, damaging all the valuable items inside.

“A frustrated love led Leonardo Reyes Meneses to set fire to his former partner’s house. As a result, valuable items inside were damaged,” he said.

According to reports, there were no deaths or injuries in the incident. “Fortunately, the woman is absolutely healthy,” he said.

Although the man tried to run away, he could not succeed. “Despite his many attempts to disappear, he was caught by the authorities in less than 48 hours. Now they will face criminal proceedings because of HAvoc,” he says.

Violence is continuously increasing in Cuba. This week a case of murder of a woman at the hands of her former partner came to light in Holguín.

The woman was brutally murdered. Reports and complaints shared through social networks show that the incidents occurred this Tuesday in the town of Guaro, in the municipality of Mayari.

“They killed a woman in Guaro. The husband cut her throat,” said a local in cyberspace, pointing to two other violent incidents in the area.

The Cuban woman was named Aliuska Carmenate and her attacker reportedly committed suicide after committing the crime.

“My two children were there because they are her cousins. My daughter, who is eight, is very affected at the moment because she was there. She didn’t even want to go to sleep,” said one Internet user of Lianella on Facebook. in the form of. Alvarez.

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