
Lula expressed that there was no coup in Brazil because Bolsonaro is a coward Photo PL

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva confirmed this Thursday that the coup plot in Brazil in early 2023 did not take place because of the lack of support. Armed forces and former President Jair Bolsonaro He is a coward.

Lula said the far-right politician “did not have the courage to implement his plan. He cried for almost a month here in the palace (Planalto).”

The president further said that Bolsonaro preferred to flee to the United States rather than fulfill the promise he had made, with the hope that being outside the country would lead to a coup.

The founder of the Workers’ Party also condemned that Bolsonarista financed the attempt to incite people at the gates of the barracks Story sequence.

Since this did not work, “now they say we are harming democracy, that they were innocent and that they only argued but there was nothing concrete.”

According to the ruler, “Anyone who had doubts can now be reassured that we have returned to almost dark times, when people thought that, with just a coup, with the participation of a few soldiers, they could Can gain power in. People were intelligent, courageous.”

For Lula, the previous executive (2019–2023) “never worried about governing this country, he never worried about the economy, social inclusion policies. He was accused of promoting hatred among the people. There was concern about lies, and he continues that way”.

He said there is currently more clarity about the meaning of January 8, 2023 (the date of the coup), because what happened in December is known from the testimony of members of the previous administration or those who commanded the armed forces invited by Bolsonaro. To carry out the attack. Coup episode.

“So, if three months ago, when people were talking about a coup, it seemed like just a hint, today we are sure that there is a serious risk of a coup in this country based on the 2022 elections, ” The Brazilian President agreed.

Under slogans of rejection of military intervention and Lula’s assumption of power, Bolsonaro’s radical followers invaded and looted the headquarters of the National Congress, the Supreme Court and Planalto in the capital on January 8, 2023.

(Taken from Prensa Latina)

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