Days after sanctions, Arévalo and Borrell sign agreement to strengthen GT-EU relations

Guatemala and the European Union signed a memorandum to strengthen their relations in the presence of President Arévalo. Photo: Ministry of External Affairs.

This Tuesday, February 20, Guatemala and the European Union (EU) signed a memorandum to strengthen their diplomatic relations. This block is made up of 27. The agreement was finalized days after the Council of the EU sanctioned four officials of the Public Ministry (MP) and a Guatemalan judge. “Weaken democracy” In the face of an attempted coup, which sought to prevent President Bernardo Arévalo from taking office.

The document, signed by the EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and Guatemala’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Ramiro Martínez Alvarado, under the support of Arévalo, aims to promote a structured dialogue on a range of issues. . ., from green transition to trade and investment.

Borel missed possession

The Head of Community Diplomacy, who met with the President of Guatemala after the ceremony, recalled when he attended his inauguration ceremony on 14 January and spoke to the President about this memorandum and the cooperation between the EU and Guatemala. Talked about the relationship between. “When he became President he flourished and developed”,

“And with this memorandum that we already planned, and which we signed today, what we do is strengthen our bilateral relations, establish a regular, open and structured dialogue between the EU and Guatemala Displays a clear and strong will to do. “As the EU does with all partners with which it wishes to have privileged relations”The European Union said in a statement.

Borrell recalled Arévalo’s sudden inauguration at the hands of the Ninth Legislature of the Congress of the Republic. “This was not just any acquisition, but it was a significant acquisition. Transcendental because the will of the Guatemalans can be fulfilled well and to a good end.”added the diplomat.

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support for democracy

Regarding EU involvement in election observation operations, Borrell highlighted: «I think I can say that the EU’s support for democracy in Guatemala has been lasting and consistent from the beginning. I would like to highlight the important role of our election observation mission, which was deployed to the region for its firm position in defending the results that the mission itself was able to verify.,

Similarly, Borrell stressed that, last Friday, February 2, the Council of the EU, that is, the 27 member states, agreed to impose restrictive measures. “The five individuals are considered to be undermining democracy and the rule of law in Guatemala.”,

Sanctions were imposed on Maria Consuelo Porras, the head of the parliament; Rafael Curuciche, head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity (FECI); Leonor Morales Lazo, prosecutor of that unit; Angel Pineda, Secretary General of the Prosecutor’s Office; and Judge Freddy Orellana.

According to the European Union, restrictive measures were imposed on five officials, restricting travel and freezing their assets in the region.

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