Dina Boluaert was attacked by two women during an event in Peru.

After inaugurating a highway in Ayacucho, in Peru’s southern mountains, this afternoon President Dina Bolwart threw candy to people everywhere with a broad smile. There were very few obstacles to his popularity: his moments of happiness lasted only a few seconds. A crouching woman was waiting for her own safety to pounce on the Peruvian President. She was immediately restrained while another woman pulled her hair. Only the first has been identified. This is Ruth Bárcena, widow of Leonardo David Hanco Chaca, who was one of ten people killed in Ayacucho in demonstrations against the president.

Historically defeated, Ayacucho did not welcome Pedro Castillo’s successor as might have been expected. “Dina murderer! The crowd shouted at him, “Ayacucho rejects you!” Therefore, like throwing coins at someone, distributing candy was considered an act of provocation. “They killed my husband, will I remain calm?”, defended Barcena, who was detained and taken to the sector’s police station, although she was later released. Her husband, a 32-year-old transporter, was injured in the fortnight of December 2022. A bullet penetrated his chest, destroying his kidneys, liver and pancreas. He remained in the intensive care unit for two days. He orphaned a seven year old girl.

When Bersena became widow she was pregnant with twins. He lost them too. “I had to donate blood because there were not enough donations. He was the injured person who had spent the most units of blood. In total, 56 units were required as my husband bled completely to death. They had to take my blood and that, coupled with the depression I went into, caused me to lose my twins. “Only I and my daughter are left,” he told the portal. infobae In those days.

President Boluert’s harassment has drawn the disapproval and immediate condemnation of his ministers and congressmen. Alberto Otarola, head of the Council of Ministers, has said: “By violence, we all lose as a country. In a democracy, dialogue should always be maintained and such regrettable incidents cannot happen. There is no justification for attacking a woman,” he said of the area, where, in addition to dozens of deaths, more than 60 injuries were recorded due to the crackdown by law enforcement forces.

The culture minister, Leslie Urteaga, also joined the voice of disapproval: “These acts should never be repeated again against any individual.” For its part, the Interior Ministry issued a statement saying it “will conduct a related investigation to identify those responsible.” A few hours later, the head of the agency, Victor Torres, said at a press conference that both women had been “properly identified” and “they are being apprehended.” “Strict disciplinary measures will be taken,” he said.

Sociologist and former congresswoman Indira Huilca has been one of the dissenting voices: “The women who lost their husbands and children in the Ayacucho massacre confront Boluert, who threw candy at people, as if he is a sad person. How easy it is to talk about aggression in front of women who have seen their relatives die because of the madness of a tyrant. He commented, “Shame on you.” President Dina Boluat began her second year in office maintaining very low approval levels, and without being able to negotiate with the opposition which has not stopped demonstrating in the streets.

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(Tags to translate)America(T)Latin America(T)South America(T)Peru(T)Pedro Castillo(T)Dina Boluart(T)Violence(T)Social protest(T)Physical attacks

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