Do you consume more than 500 kWh? This is how the new electricity rate in Cuba will affect you from April!

New electricity rates will be implemented in Cuba in the coming month of April.

This has been recalled by the Electric Company of the Province of Sancti Spiritus in its statements Escambre,

The commercial director of the entity said that new electricity prices for the residential sector came into effect in the month of March, meaning that every customer with more than 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) will see an increase in their bill, which they will have to pay. will be. In April.

The manager insisted that the rate increase would be 25 percent. Self-employed workers, places where productive activities are carried out and the non-state sector will be excluded.

According to the information provided, Sancti Spiritus has 5,881 customers whose consumption exceeds 500 kWh, a figure they expect to increase during the summer months.

However, the official believes “the number of users to whom the increase will be applied is not representative,” as there are approximately 186,000 customers in the province.

Sancti Spiritus Electric Company reiterated that the 25 percent increase calculation will only apply to units above 500 kilowatts. The rest will remain the same as before. However, there is some confusion regarding the percentage declared by the authorities.

Beware of electricity bills in Cuba in April

On the day the measure came into force, the Cuban Electrical Union reported that “consumption readings taken in the month of March will be taken in the month of April according to the new rate.”

Similarly, the Commercial Directorate of the UNE specified the percentage increase of the price to be paid by those consuming more than 500 kW:

  • between 500 and 600 kWh is up to 9.4%,
  • between 600 and 700 kWh is up to 13.7%,
  • Up to 19% between 700 and 1000 kWh
  • Up to 22.4% between 1000 and 1800 kWh

How will electricity rates increase in Cuba from April?

This is the table published by UNE:

Remember that it will help you to know how much you will have to pay for your electricity consumption, cuba directory Account with an online calculator,

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