3 foods that neurologists recommend never eating for breakfast

in this news

  • Health: Which foods should be avoided?
  • What are the ideal foods for your brain?

Many people are constantly looking for keep a sharp and healthy mind, Daily habits play a fundamental role, and one of the fundamental pillars is our Feed.

Although we indulge ourselves from time to time, it is important to note that there are Food & Beverage Popular things that brain health experts recommend avoiding at all costs.

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Health: Which foods should be avoided?

According to an article on the site to feedapart Neurologist reveals 3 foods If we want to protect our mind then we should avoid this.

inclusion of protein powder in your morning shake This may seem like a healthy option for people who want to control their weight. However, many of these products contain artificial sweeteners That, according to neuroscientists frederique fabricitius, They can cause serious changes in the intestinal microbiota, which is important for optimal brain health.

On the other hand, carbonated drinks They’re another example of what experts like neurologist Dr. Shaheen Lakhan advise. The high amount of simple sugar in it also damages the blood vessels of the brain. Brain swelling and sleep problems may occurThe risk of dementia and stroke is increasing.

Carbonated drinks, although refreshing, can be harmful to your brain due to the high amount of simple sugars they contain. (Photo: Archive)

Additionally, margarine, commonly seen as a butter substitute, contains trans fats, which according to a study by Dr. Shay Dutta, a neurologist and co-director of the NYU Langone Concussion Center, may harm brain vascular health. Can. published in magazine Neuroscience.

Dr. Byron Ho also warns about consume LiquorExplaining that it is a neurotoxic agent Can damage both the central and peripheral nervous systemsEven in moderate quantities.

Ultimately, Fast food, especially French fries, are among the foods you should avoid, Neurologist Dr. Pedram Nawab warns that a diet high in fatty foods like French fries Can damage brain blood vessels and affect neuronal function, especially in areas key to Memory And learning like the hippocampus.

A diet rich in fatty foods like French fries may affect key areas of memory and learning such as the hippocampus. (Photo: Archive)

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What are the ideal foods for your brain?

Although it is important Avoid certain foods at breakfast to maintain a sharp and healthy mindIt is also important to include them They can boost brain function and provide the energy needed to face the day.

  • Oatmeal: Rich in soluble fiber, oats are a great breakfast option. It helps keep blood sugar levels stable, providing a steady supply of energy to the brain. Apart from this, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are also present in it. beneficial for brain health,
  • Jamun: Fruits like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants, which help protect brain cells from damage caused by free radicals. They are also a source of vitamin C, which has been linked to improved cognitive function.
  • Eggs: They are an excellent source of high-quality protein and contain choline, an important nutrient for brain health. Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in memory and learning.
  • nuts and seeds: Walnuts, almonds, cha seeds and flax seeds are rich in fatty acids, omega-3s, vitamin E and antioxidants, which may help improve brain function and protect against cognitive decline.
  • Curd: Plain or Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein and probiotics, which can help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.

Before making or modifying an eating plan, it is advisable to consult an expert.

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