Doctoralía Award 2023 Four Sevillian doctors among the ‘Goyas’ of Medicine

Sevillians María Valero, Álvaro Moleón, Noemi Garrido and José Luis Flores are four of Spain’s 33 highest-rated experts, according to Doctoralia, the world’s leading platform connecting health professionals with patients. As far as the specialties in which these professionals shine are concerned, they are medical oncology, psychiatry, rheumatology and nutrition respectively. They are not alone, eight other specialists trained in our health system and who practice there have been recognized as finalists in the Doctoralia Awards 2023.

They are the only awards in the world that take into account patients’ opinions to choose the most valuable professionals in each specialty, in addition to the recognition of other professional peers and the professionals’ contribution to the patient community, which is measured by. Take into account your participation in the service ask the expert Of this platform. In the new edition of these awards distributed in a total of 33 specialties, 490 health professionals were nominated in this edition, with an average of fifteen specialists nominated in each.

Among the highlights at the National Summit dna Sevillian highlights medical oncology. Thus, while Dr. María Valero Arbizu is leading the stage in this specialization in Spain for the second consecutive year, the doctors from Seville, Miguel García Carrasco and Luis Alonso Álvarez, are second and third respectively in the ranking with 13 nominees .

Psychiatry and rheumatology also stand with the two Sevilian experts on the most valuable platform. In the first, Sevillian Álvaro Moleón repeated as the best-rated psychiatrist in Spain for the third consecutive year, and the third finalist, Dr. Cristina García Bernal, with the same position compared to 2022 among a total of 15 nominees. In rheumatology, for its part, Noemi Garrido of Seville makes her debut in these awards in first place, followed by second finalist Manuel Baturón Castillo, who won first place last year.

The fourth best-positioned specialty of Seville is Nutrition and Dietetics, with Dr. José Luis Flores de la Cerda, who also led this ranking in 2022.

On the other hand, the Doctoralía also highlights its role as finalist among the most valuable doctors of Seville, Ricardo López Martos, in third national place in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Ricardo Aliaga Verdugo, second best rated endocrinologist in Spain; and podiatrists Luis Gandía Zapata and José Ángel Torres de Lorenzo, ranked second and third in their specialization.

selection criteria

The criteria taken into consideration to select the most outstanding health experts in the country are based on three basic criteria:

The first of them is based on the opinions of patients, focusing on the criteria of care received, punctuality and the facilities of the visiting professional.

Secondly, votes from fellow experts. Health professionals on the platform are able to vote for nominees in their same specialism, according to the criteria of professionalism, experience and career.

Finally, nominees are evaluated for their contributions to the patient community. This contribution is measured by taking into account your participation in the service ask the expertSection of Doctoralia that allows professionals to resolve patients’ doubts about diseases and health-related issues.


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