Dollar price in Colombia today, February 11: exchange rates and values ​​in Colombian pesos

The representative market rate in effect this Sunday is equivalent to $3,926.08 for each US dollar, after experiencing a slight decline of $28.06 in the foreign exchange in the previous trading day. Although the currency is moving away from the $4,000 barrier, analysts expect the dollar to behave like this this year.

According to economic predictions, The currency may fluctuate between $3,900 and $4,000 in the coming months, without any major fluctuations. Which significantly affects the stock market at the national level. However, given the behavior of inflation in the United States, there is a possibility that the currency could rise above $3,800.

“The Fed noted that although inflation in the United States is lower than expected, it will need more time to better understand the trend. In fact, Local analysts, in a scenario where the Fed is more aggressive in lowering its rates, have been encouraged to say that the dollar in Colombia could fall more than expected this year.“, reported the economic portal Vlora Analytik.

Dollar fluctuations today, February 11

At the moment, the US currency remains stable and, since last week, A minimal loss of $2.03 was recorded after trading from $3,928.11 to $3,926.08 last week. Due to this fluctuation, Colombian exchange houses sell the currency for around $3,850 and buy it for around $3,720. However, please note that this value is an estimate and directly depends on the establishment and the region of the country in which the transaction takes place.

  • Sunday February 11, 2023: 3,926.08 COP
  • Saturday February 10, 2024: 3,926.08 COP
  • Friday February 9, 2024: 3,954.68 COP
  • Thursday February 8, 2024: 3,962.23 COP
  • Wednesday, February 7, 2024: 3,950.57 COP
  • Tuesday February 6, 2024: 3,975.74 COP
  • Monday, February 5, 2024: 3,928.11 COP
  • Sunday February 4, 2024: 3,928.11 COP

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