Eating one cup of beans gives you so many vitamins and minerals

Beans are a food rich in vitamins and minerals that bring many health benefits. Credit:

beans They are undoubtedly an important ingredient in Mexican gastronomy, included by millions of people in their daily diet.

Besides tasting great, they are Rich in vitamins and minerals, Among its components are Protein, Fiber, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B2 and Niacin,

The Mexican Diabetes Federation recommends the consumption of 1 to 2 servings of beans dailyA group that beans belong to, so it is important to eat them frequently to live a healthy life.

It is recommended to eat 1 cup beans per daywhich is equal to 200 grams, But, what nutrients do you get from eating this part of the beans?

Beans contain protein, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B2 and niacin (Photo: Gettyimages)

Salvador Zubiran According to the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition, each 100 grams cooked beans They provide the following nutrients:

– Crude protein: 5.9 grams (g)

– Crude fiber: 1.20 grams

– DT Fiber: 5.49 grams

– Calcium: 46.6 milligrams (mg)

– Phosphorus: 27 mg

– Iron: 1.85 mg

It is recommended to eat beans once or twice a day (pictorial image infobae)

– Potassium: 272 mg

-Magnesium: 25 mg

– Zinc: 0.70 mg

– Vitamin B1: 0.07 mg

-Vitamin B2: 0.04

– Niacin: 0.36 mg

These figures correspond to the protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals present in half a cup. If you consume one cup, as experts recommend, you get double the amount.

The elements present in beans play an important role in maintaining organs, bones, cells and tissues in good condition. According to information collected from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (fao) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), here are some:

– Protein: the main structural component of cells and tissues, They are essential for the growth, development and maintenance of the body.

He also has other works like repair damaged tissuesas well as production Metabolic and digestive enzymes.

– Fiber: Favor gut healthto help Control cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood, produces a sensation of satisfactionReduces swelling.

-Calcium: It is considered essential for keep bones strong, But this is not the only important function it performs, it is also necessary for muscles to move, for nerves to send messages to and from the brain, for blood to circulate and to release hormones needed for various functions.

– Phosphorus: It has a major role energy production and in a large number of important chemical processes.

– Iron: It is necessary to make hemoglobin which carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body, produces myoglobin which supplies oxygen to the muscles, and Hormone production.

Beans have an important function in maintaining organs, bones, cells and tissues in good condition (pictorial image infobae)

– Potassium: it is essential for good Functioning of muscles, nerves, and organs such as the heart and kidneys.

– Magnesium: Responsible for muscle and nervous system function, regulating blood sugar levels and blood pressure. It is also involved in the production of proteins, bone mass and DNA.

– Zinc: It is an ally of the immune system, it helps to produce DNA and proteins.

– Vitamin B1: Helps keep the heart and nerves healthy, the proper functioning of certain enzymes and sugar breakdown In food.

-Vitamin B2: It is important cell growth, development and function,

– Niacina: Also known as Vitamin B3, it works Convert food into energy.

To better take advantage of the nutrients in beans, the FAO recommends eating them in combination with products rich in vitamin C and grains, as ascorbic acid improves the absorption of iron while high-protein foods like rice or corn help improve iron absorption. Has value.

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