Employees of the Legal Medical Institute of Tenerife will go on strike from this Wednesday

Employees of the Legal Medical Institute of Tenerife will go on strike from this WednesdayEd

staff of Institute of Legal Medicine of Santa Cruz D tenerifeannounces that The strike will start from this Wednesday From the professionals of this organization.


This was agreed to by the strike committee this Tuesday after persisting with its advisors. A meeting with Carmen de Leon, Director-General for Relations with the Administration of JusticeAlso JHead of Human Resources and Labor Relations And this deputy director Institute of Legal Medicine.

According to representatives of the unions that make up the strike committee (Intersyndicalist Canaria, CSIF, CCOO and STAJ), the Director General apparently did not want to reveal whether Jesús Vega, director of the Institute of Legal Medicine (IML), was a member of the strike committee. Whether he will be dismissed in the coming days or not.

And it was not clarified whether the Canary Islands Government already had an opinion on the proposal to dismiss Francisco Ledesma, former Director General for Relations with the Administration of Justice, from the legal services of the Justice Department of the Canary Islands Government. Vega.

The unions assured that the current Director General and Justice Minister Nieves Andrej Barreto have documents regarding alleged shortcomings in the work of the Director.

Carmen de León offered the union representatives to negotiate improvements in material resources and to study the possibility of increasing the workforce.

However, the representatives of the IC, CSIF, CCOO and STAJ refused to initiate said process, as they are opposed to negotiating and developing such actions, while Jesús Vega of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Santa Cruz de Tenerife Remains prominent. And one of the main complaints of the strike committee is the alleged mismanagement and lack of transparency of the director, to which they also add some alleged irregular conduct.

Juana Ramos, an advisor to the strike committee, says that “It is not possible in our ethics and morals to continue working with that person, as that would amount to supporting his management.,

In Ramos’s opinion, Jesús Vega does not know how to determine which people are needed or in which department, “because they lack data on the workload that exists in each area”. One complaint of the strike committee is that Vega has not completed these annual work summaries for several years.

Given these uncertainties, the parties decided to agree on minimum services that would be maintained as long as the strike continued. According to the organizing organizations, this mobilization has the support of about three-fourths of the IML.

The minimum services will deal with cases related to gender violence, minors, people with disabilities, urgent psychiatric hospitalization and autopsies.

There One forensic doctor for each guard area, of which there are five in Tenerife: Santa Cruz, La Laguna-Guimar, Granadilla-Arona, Icod-La Orotava and Puerto de la Cruz, as well as forensic pathology (autopsy). In addition, each non-capital island will have a forensic doctor, who is on duty weekly.

The consequences of the strike for citizens will include greater delays in providing services of various specialties.

(Tags to translate) Personal (T) Institute (T) Medical (T) Legal (T) Teneriffe (T) Autopsy (T) Justice (T) Justice in the Canary Islands (T) Legal Medical Institute (T) Santa Cruz de Teneriffe (T) Teneriffe (T) Forensic Doctor (T) Strike (T) Canary Islands Government

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