Ezequiel Lavezzi was again hospitalized and his son uttered a lapidary phrase

Ezequiel Lavezzi He was never considered to have a low profile, as he was always a presence in the locker room. From the rise of Argentine football to… psgpassing through selection In his country, he made headlines for his eccentricities. And when he hung up his shoes, his last name moved from sports media to entertainment. In this sense, now this news is about his health, due to which his son is facing problems. thomas After his father is admitted to the new hospital. Was it an overdose?

He Pocho His personality is such that he falls in love with it as much as football. He arrived for training in a red Ferrari; used to wear one rolex Several rings on the left wrist and on the fingers, as well as pendants around the neck. Styling was an important part of excellent professionalism, but nothing was as impressive to look at as dozens of tattoos all over the body: virgin of lourdesThe name of his mother and her son, a picture of a painting in his neighborhood and a revolver drawn at waist height, etc.

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To keep up with this media trend, he indulges in a moment of anxiety about his health and the countless versions that surround him about it. Without going further, rumors circulated again during Saturday night that he had been admitted to intensive care due to a new crisis. Faced with this, his son came forward to explain the situation. “There is no overdose,” he assured.

“My father is fine and is being treated,” Tomas Lavezzi said through a story published on his Instagram account, in response to information that emerged about a possible hospitalization due to an overdose.

story of pocho's son

story of pocho’s son

Instagram: Tomas Lavezzi

In this regard, a player who currently plays in the lower divisions Santa Fe Union He explained: “He didn’t have any overdose or anything like that. “Stop inventing things that are not true.” Tomas’s last publication with his father came just three days ago, when he posted a photo of him embracing his parents and wrote a caption: “What a joy to share with you! The biggest thing I have. “they are amazing.”

What happened

It was first revealed that the former football player, runner-up in the World brazil 2014was admitted to Zabala Clinic And he had arrived with his family. However, according to Neighborhood Police Station 14B He informed the Argentine media about this Tamil NaduLavezzi was taken away in a private ambulance Dharma SanatoriumAn organization dedicated to the treatment of mental health.

Earlier, moreover, as reported by Neighborhood Police Station 14B, the medical staff had requested the cooperation of police officers for the transfer, because the former forward was “aggressive.”

what happened in punta del este

few days back Christmas, Pocho was hospitalized in Uruguay, the country where he currently resides. Medical care, with subsequent transfer Buenos AiresIt resulted from a fracture of the clavicle amid a confusing incident that occurred early in the morning.

Although it was initially revealed that the former football player had suffered a stab wound to the stomach at a private party, police dismissed this and only confirmed a bone injury. According to reports provided by security personnel, emergency services received a call requesting medical attention. A police vehicle arrived at the player’s property and assisted the player san lorenzo, naples And psgamong others, before transferring it Cantegrill Sanatorium,

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