Family and Community Medicine, favorite specialty of MIR candidates in Barcelona

Barcelona, ​​February 19 (EFE).- Among the candidates for the MIR test who had the real opportunity to choose one of the 43 specialties available in Barcelona in 2023, 75% chose the specialty of Family and Community Medicine (MFIC)., According to a study by the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS).

As reported by ICS, in Spain the MFIC is the specialty that the most places offer. Specifically, in 2023, 2,455 were offered (28.7% of the total), this figure multiplies the average offer of the remaining specialties by 18, which is 135.

“The values ​​of primary care were most compatible with the way I view medicine and understand health. I felt like this was where medicine was closest and I loved the relationship between professionals and patients at CAP,” Explained. Lia Serra, resident doctor at CAP El Clot.

Serra ranked 377th in the 2023 MIR exam and, of all the specialties he had to choose from, he chose Family and Community Medicine (MFIC) at CAP El Clot in Barcelona. His case has been added to those of 2,324 medical students who have also chosen this specialty.

“I didn’t consider specializing until the final year of my degree, after mucking around for several months. I found it fascinating the way the individual is taken into account in their whole context, both familial and social, And ultimately, they are all determinants of people’s health,” he explained.

For his part, Yoseba Canovas, the person in charge of teaching of the Directorate of Primary and Community Care of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS) and leader of the study, has pointed out that “the basis of the Competitive Preference Index concludes that particular MFICs are more suitable for MIR candidates. is attractive.”

The competitive preference index is the indicator used in the study to control for the effect of inequality in the offer of MFIC places in relation to the rest of the specialties.

Similarly, in order to reduce the effect of place and make a more robust comparison, the five largest cities in Spain with more than 600,000 inhabitants (Zaragoza, Valencia, Madrid, Seville and Barcelona) have been chosen. Since they should offer most of the specifications and provide a sufficient number of spaces to be able to compare them.

As far as Barcelona is concerned, the document concludes that resident doctors prefer to choose the MFIC over most laboratory and central service specialties.

Similarly, it also finds that MIR chooses MFIC over most of the surgical specialties such as thoracic, cardiac, pediatric, vascular, oral and maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, otorhinolaryngology surgery, general surgery and urology.

And, among medical specialties, the MFIC has a positive competitive preference with respect to 18 out of 22, representing 81% of these specialties, be it rheumatology, pulmonology, geriatrics, nephrology, endocrinology or internal medicine, among others. Is placed first between.

Canovas concluded, “This is a preliminary study conducted with data from 2023. Expanding the data with data from previous years and 2024 will allow us to advance in the study of the attractiveness of family and community therapy.” efe



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