Federico Mora attacks doctors’ president trying to discredit complaints about unstoppable construction of medical schools – National

Trying to discredit the Paraguayan Circle of Physicians (CPM), which asked Cones to resign due to the continued authorization of medical careers when his quality and lack of practice areas were questioned, Deputy Minister Federico Mora today Attacked union president George. Rodas published the summaries solved more than ten years ago on his network.

Happen 44 branches of 23 universities with a career of Medicine He once served as Deputy Minister of Higher Education in the country till November 2023. federico moraHe assumed the presidency in December, Who? (National Council of Higher Education) Able Other four racesFor private study houses and headquarters located at pedro juan caballero, hernandarias And capiata,

These authorities were given just three months Despite Mora’s more insistent presidential claims in Cannes Paraguayan Circle of Doctors (CPM), which has been criticized for years career expansion medicine without guarantee quality Of teaching.

in recent months, Discussion happened around practice space For and for students houses, in public hospitals. The tone of debate between Medical Union and Mora increased to CPM on Friday Deputy minister asked to resign Coons’ presidency.

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Read more: Doctors ask Federico Mora to resign as CONS president

When the union raised questions they joined critics Of Recognized medical professionals. doctor Alfredo Boccia Warned that “Pedro Juan Caballero has the faculty In the hands of drug traffickersbecause they are great Money laundering“And Federico Mora believed that one”great disappointment,

Federico Mora and more Medical careers: proliferation is an “academic aberration”

The same scientific advisor to the President of the Republic, Dr. Antonio CubillaThe proliferation of medical careers is regarded as “educational deviation”, which he said should be fixed.

Read more: Cons professional warns medical schools are run by drug traffickers

In response to this, this has been said in a publication made on his midnightFederico Mora targets CPM President Doctor george rhodes,

“The democracy enables us to express ourselves disagreement, However, I consider it the right thing to do since it’s my way of acting. integrity And respectability In the case for this, “Mora said and published a resolution of Summary under whose faculty Rhodes was subjected medical science from the National University of Asuncion (A) more than before ten years And through which he was allegedly dismissed.

Read more: Medicine: Federico Mora will not resign from Cannes and will propose a decree to stop the construction of careers

Rhodes said this not going to answer allegations, but explained that Summary was in 2011 And it ended that same year, but No with him dismissal, He assured that on behalf of CPM they will continue promote actions for strip shortcomings In medical schools spread across the country.

Medical: CPM president says focus is on quality of medical education

“here we we are not going to wander of Center of the issue, which is quality of medical education, from the Academy of Medicine in Paraguay. We criticize the management of the Chairman of the Council, not in a personal capacity, as we did Narciso Velazquez (Chairman of CONS until 2023)”, he informed.

Rhodes said they continue Awaiting response At the request of De Mora’s resignation.

Read more: Head of Doctors Circle says Koons president lives “in Federico’s magical world”

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education had announced this will not resignBut what not anymore They are planning to enable more races of therapy, but they analyze the release decree He Prohibition Building more capabilities in that career over time.

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