Feline medicine is the most popular specialty in Spanish veterinary centers

A study conducted by VMS among 982 identified clinics and hospitals with at least one certified or accredited specialist, or member of AVEPA working groups, reveals professionals’ preferred areas of focus.

Feline medicine is the most popular specialty in Spanish veterinary centersImage: Freepik.

A recent study conducted among almost 1,000 veterinary centers in Spain revealed the most popular specialties. This analysis carried out by VMS has been drawn up in the economic map of Spanish veterinary centres. The data highlights the preferred focus areas of professionals in the country. In this case, cat medicine leads the table with a total of 341 centers that provide specialized services for cats out of 982 identified veterinary centers in which at least one certified or recognized specialist works, or specialized Is a member of work groups. From AVEPA. In second place is the exotic sector, where there are 128 centers specializing in the care of non-traditional animals.

Dermatology tops the list with 120 centers dedicated to treating skin problems in animals. It is followed by cardiology with 113 centers and internal medicine with 99 centres, a testament to the growing concern for the overall health of animals among owners and professionals.

Other areas of expertise that have achieved progress include diagnostic imaging, with 83 centers specializing in advanced diagnostic technologies, and oncology, with 73 centers dedicated to fighting cancer in animals.

The importance of eye health is also evident, with 69 centers specializing in ophthalmology, while surgery, ethology and emergencies hold major positions in priorities with 64, 52 and 48 centers respectively. The economic map of Spanish veterinary centers can be seen here.

These data underline the commitment of the Spanish veterinary community to excellence in animal care and the growing demand for specialized services from owners concerned about the well-being of their pets. With an increasing focus on preventive medicine and advanced treatments, the Spanish veterinary landscape is evolving to meet the changing needs of a society that deeply values ​​its animal companions.


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