First day of elections in Russia ends with irregularities and riots

First day of elections in Russia ends with irregularities and riots (Reuters)
First day of elections in Russia ends with irregularities and riots (Reuters)

Presidential elections start this Friday Russia It will run for three days and will almost certainly produce a winner. Vladimir PutinThanks to its huge machinery of oppression of the opposition and Danger, Therefore, as expected, the first day did not pass peacefully: incidents and irregularities were recorded in cities across the country that show the degree of dissatisfaction among the people towards the event.

The Kremlin reported that they are already 13 people detained vandalism In election centres. The first was a woman from Moscow who set fire to an urn and filled the place with smoke, delaying the turn of other voters. “Police officers immediately stopped the illegal action, so no one was injured,” officials said.

For the same reason, another man was arrested in the Siberian city of Khanty Mansiysk, while in St. Petersburg a 20-year-old woman tried to commit suicide. Molotov cocktail Something similar happened against another polling station and a man and a firecracker in the Chelyabinsk region.

Others also joined in nine russians what did they throw INK In the ballot boxes, thus the ballot papers inside become inert. A video of a woman in Moscow pouring green liquid into a box went viral within hours and encouraged others to follow in her footsteps, though not without consequences.

A woman was arrested for pouring ink into a ballot box in Moscow (Reuters)
A woman was arrested for pouring ink into a ballot box in Moscow (Reuters)

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Russia Ila Pamfilova announced this “All (these subjects) have been arrested” and warned “Others who dare to try will also be arrested”, “This is no ordinary bigotry action with elements of terrorism“He added.

All of these people are accused of violating Article 141 of the Penal Code, which refers to restrictions that apply to hinder the exercise of the right to vote, and for which they can be punished. three and five years jail,

However, the opposition was not the only one that attracted attention on this first day; Putin’s followers and team in the Kremlin did the same to try to guarantee him a new mandate.

many State employees and members of the armed forces They arrived at exactly the same time, claimed it was a coincidence and tried to cover up They were ordered to demonstrate strong support for the President This first day.

The Kremlin ordered state employees and members of the armed forces to vote at the same time to boost support for Putin (Reuters)
The Kremlin ordered state employees and members of the armed forces to vote at the same time to boost support for Putin (Reuters)

Similarly, at a certain point, officials assured that Participation in electronic voting was so high that the system collapsed, This only fueled the suspicion of the opposition, which already distrusted the method because of the difficulties in monitoring it.

Meanwhile, raffles were held among residents of various Russian cities to encourage participation and guarantee more votes for Putin. For example, in Siberia, a sanitation worker was awarded an apartment, while a police officer received a car. Additionally, in the Chelyabinsk region, the local hospital promised free testing in exchange for their ballot, and other polling stations rewarded attendees with cakes.

Finally, a group of Russians mocked the event and demonstrated Dress Of rabbits and beavers.

To all this must be added the call of the dead opponent Alexey Navalny Of “Afternoon with Putin”Which seeks to concentrate the largest number of opposition members in electoral districts throughout the country with the aim of attracting the attention of the international community and making it clear that the outcome of the election – making Putin the winner – is not the case. As a result of fraud.

(With information from AFP, EFE and Europa Press)

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