Food Waste: 8 Tips to Put It into Practice welfare

From the beginning to the end of the day we are exposed to all types of foods and beverages that could be beneficial Or perhaps harmful to our health. Thus, for example, many of you may have traveled at some point, with changes in temperature, often being in close proximity to people in closed spaces, as well as coming into contact with any type of food, a One has to spend hours traveling from one place to another. Different from what we usually eat at home.

like this, It’s very simple we can do Some suffer from intestinal blockage, Such as the famous traveler’s diarrhea, where many times the food we eat during travel is different from our usual food, which triggers intestinal transit. These may also be contaminated with bacterial microflora or toxins that alter the structure of the stool, turning it into liquid within a few hours.

This could have been avoided if we had known that we should not eat that sandwich, that specific local dish or that salad with a different dressing. However, The human brain is so powerful that it seeks out instant gratification and carbohydrate foods. Or fats are the ingredients that give you satisfaction, Sometimes this is against our health, even if it is temporary, such as when traveling to unprecedented places.

By giving up food, we can consume only those foods that are positive for our body.

For example, there is a lot of stomach discomfort, which is associated with the consumption of certain foods that stimulate the work of bacteria in the colon, which are capable of producing a lot of gas, such as methane, which Stretches the walls causing pain and abnormal movements at the colon level. This often becomes unbearable because the gases cannot always be eliminated anywhere and, if we add to this the constant pain, it can turn the morning or afternoon into a little hell.

In some cases, this problem can prevent us from doing any of our daily activities, such as working, studying and driving. In other words, It changes the quality of our life and it affects our mood and spirit, The latter is linked to the motivation and perception of well-being that we get on a daily basis to be able to live fully and happily.

What can we do to deal with these inconveniences?

Now, what should we do if we suffer from colonic, intestinal or stomach discomfort for several days? First of all, start using a notebook in which to write down what foods and drinks we consume so that when discarded we know which foods and drinks cause us discomfort. With that information, we can sometimes plan our week or month without resorting to a pill or a doctor.

next, These are some tips to apply on those days or weeks when we do not feel very good in health. And we want to identify those foods that are harmful to our body:

  1. in order, Write down the food and drinks we take in a simple notebook In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks can be served at midday meals from Monday to Sunday.
  2. Give accurate descriptions of each meal in recipes with vegetables, Where, for example, cabbage, onions and shallots are present and quickly fermented by bacteria producing many gases.
  3. Many times, as we age, we become sensitive to foods that we normally consume. For example, routine should be maintained in the consumption of eggs or dairy products. and eliminate them by eliminating them from the diet A few days to know the effect on our digestive system. If eliminating them reduces digestive discomfort, then we already have the answer to our problem.
  4. saliva test It is extremely important to know if we are producing excessive gases and what type of microorganisms produce them. We can do it in the local laboratory.
  5. Eating a “simple” diet, that is, It is wise to select 10 types of foods for use for a week. Do it like this: Papaya, blueberries, sweet potatoes, potatoes, chicken, fish, olive oil, green beans, carrots, pecans and water are examples of foods that can have a positive impact on our health. If we notice this at the end of the week then we have taken a big step.
  6. group of stewsFor example, processed foods that contain gluten are also discarded. And under observation during our scoring week.
  7. High-sugar beverages as well as sweets, desserts or other similar substances are also a source of quick energy for many bacteria that have been linked to diseases, Such as irritable colon, among other digestive disorders
  8. Keep in mind these guidelines that can be applied to your daily digestion routine capable of turning an uncomfortable week into a very pleasant week with immediate well-being.

(TagstoTranslate) What is food waste?

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