Forget about learning languages, these augmented reality glasses translate in real time

This device is designed to help users in everyday tasks.

Brilliant Labs has introduced its new generation of augmented reality glasses, called Frame AI, a device that has the ability to instantly translate any text, recognize images and do more with our environment.

this is the audience Equipped with Artificial Intelligence And will hit the market in April 2024 With the idea of ​​integrating into the daily lives of users with specific functions such as translation and content search.

Thanks to their optical recognition and natural language processing technology, these glasses are able to recognize and translate any text that is in front of the user’s eyes., Whether it’s a sign in a foreign language, a menu at an international restaurant, or a book in a library. All of this can be superimposed on the object and the user’s eyes directly in their field of vision.

This instant translation capability has the potential to eliminate language barriers and facilitate communication in everyday situations in both local and international environments. For example, it would allow tourists to travel to other countries without repeatedly requesting help, solving many of the problems they face on the way to taking a bus or eating at a bar.

Frame AI also allows to customize the quality according to the needs of each user. (Brilliant Labs)

But the Frame AI glasses aren’t just limited to text translation. These tools are also capable of recognizing images and performing various useful functions for the user. From identifying objects and places to providing relevant information about the environment.

A feature of glasses is their comfort and versatility. With a classic design and the option to equip them with prescription lenses, this product has the ability to adapt to the needs of any user, including those with vision problems. To this end, the lenses have an interpupillary distance range of 58 to 72 millimeters, although the manufacturer suggests using the Eye Measure application to more accurately calibrate the device.

Besides, Their weight is less than 40 gramsIts battery life guarantees a comfortable and long-lasting user experience and black, white and transparent with internal cables visible.

Regarding its technical operation, The Frame AI glasses feature MicroOLED panels that improve image quality and provide a more realistic view. Furthermore, they have rechargeable batteries that last a whole day with consistent use and the charging system is via USB thanks to a clip located on the bridge of the lens.

Frame AI also allows to customize the quality according to the needs of each user. (Brilliant Labs)

The announcement of these glasses is part of an area of ​​the technology industry that is on the rise: translation tools. More and more companies are launching products to break language barriers and offer solutions so that this problem of accessibility ends and two people can communicate through artificial intelligence, no matter what language they speak.

An example is the X1 Interpreter Hub, a device that was presented at CES 2024 and has real-time translation functions.Which allows you to handle up to 40 languages ​​using artificial intelligence.

The device, made by Timekettle, has a design similar to an MP3 player and is equipped with a screen, speakers and wireless headphones. OfAmong its functions is the possibility that 20 participants can converse in five languages ​​at the same time and the ability to work offline in 13 languages.

However its main focus is that two people can have a conversation, each in their own language, and translation allows them to understand each other without the need for another intermediary or waiting a few seconds for a device to translate. .

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