Foreign doctors in the Basque Country: is Basque required?

Basque will remain one of the requirements to be competent Work at OsakidetzaAccording to sources in the Basque government’s health department, although with qualifications. And, as specified this Wednesday Official Gazette of the Basque Country (BOPV)doctor and nurse non-eu Those who wish to register in the employment offices of the Basque Health Service can do so without complying with linguistic profileSince according to the same sources they would be “temporary contracts” and “requirement contracts”.

“This is a specific issue,” he says, emphasizing that these are matters with outside professionals. European Union (EU) This will not translate into a “long-term” employment relationship. “They are not officers. Basque is for when you ope (Public Employment Proposal)”, they justify from the Ministry of Health.

Specifically, the resolution approved in the Basque Bulletin on Wednesday, January 3 states that the Department of Health waives the nationality requirement. temporary selection procedures That Osakidetza summoned, “Before this.” Purposeful and urgent need for coverage categories or functional positions in them Features that have been declared “deficient or difficult to cover” “Due to personnel shortages, geographical reasons or reasons related to seasonal periods.”

Overall, the decree specifies 52 medical specialists and 3 nurses Including allowing non-EU health professionals to participate regardless of the language. “This is an additional provision of the public health law that was brought to the Basque Parliament by the Health Department and approved,” ministry sources said, emphasizing that it is “a measure of the law.”

criticism of union centers

Representatives of Osakidtza workers have not received the executive measure favourably, as they believe that the measure “reflects that there is not some kind of medium and long-term plan”. attract professionals, “Instead, it is used temporary patch “Which does not solve the structural problem of Osakidetza in the long run, especially if we take into account the Basque language,” he emphasizes. inigo gardunoSecretary General of the Federation of Health and Social-Health Sectors of CCOO Euskadi.

“We should facilitate and encourage the use of Basque among Osakidtza professionals, but the way the Basque government is proposing it is going to make it more difficult,” says Garduño. The Ministry of Health, on its part, confirms that public health law, “A government commitment that has been made and is very important to fulfill.” As the Health Minister has defended, it is a law Gotzone Sagardui Before the Basque Parliament, “a milestone was marked by granting Euskadi updated legal framework “More effective in improving the health of the Basque population.”

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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