Former political prisoners of the Nicolas Maduro regime denounce a pattern of torture in Venezuela before the IACHR

Wilka Fernandez, one of the tortured protesters

two former prisoners of Venezuela He informed about this on Friday Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) that your country has one The “pattern” of torture. Enacted by the authorities against political prisoners, a group of which today is formed 264 peopleAccording to the records of NGO Foro Panel.

During the public hearing of the 189th session of the IACHR in Washington, Venezuela Wilka Fernandez and Carlos Ramirezopponents of the regime Nicolas MaduroDescribed the ill-treatment he suffered during his days in prison, before receiving humanitarian measures with which he was able to go into exile abroad.

“I was beaten several times” Of which, “I have wounds on my body,” said Fernandez, 44, who defined herself as a “victim of persecution” after being held in a dungeon for two years. Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin), in Caracas, a place that the patrons themselves described – they claimed – as “hell”.

“They put a rifle on my chest so that I could tell where the two student leaders were at that time,” added the man, who believes that these acts of torture were ordered by the Maduro executive in order to carry out the “moral destruction” of those people. Is given in search of. Who attacked them. They are politically opposed.

High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, in a photo last February (EFE/EPA/Salvatore De Nolfi)

for its part, carlos ramirezHe is also a former student leader, saying he faced beatings from security agents in various detention facilities, where he was held for six months, and accused the army and police of stripped naked On several occasions to apply the abuse directly to her body.

“Everybody who comes (to those prisons) is tortured,” since there is a “Torture Standard”stressed Ramírez, who assured that there are judges, prosecutors, political and military leaders who have witnessed the brutal treatment against prisoners inside the dungeons and have done nothing to stop or condemn it.

In July 2023, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, indicated that he had learned that there were 362 allegations of torture in Venezuela in 2022 and that 47 had been convicted, but that his office had not received any other 91 complaints filed by victims. is aware of. or their representatives.

In that report, Expresses regret over delay in investigation of deaths recorded during civil protests This happened in 2014, 2017 and 2019. “My office has documented 101 deaths in the context of security operations, Only eight have reached court”, he indicated.

Since the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle BacheletTurk’s predecessor visits Venezuela for the first time, six prisoners in custody Died due to torture and lack of medical attention by security agencies,

(with information from EFE)

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