France intercepts two new drones launched by Houthi rebels from Yemen

Houthi supporters hold their rifles as they take part in a pro-Palestinian protest in Sanaa, Yemen. Reuters/Khalid Abdullah

The French Armed Forces claimed this Tuesday that they had intercepted two drones launched by the Houthis from Yemen in the airspace of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, in response to the Israeli military attack that was supposed to cross these waters. It was amid rebel attacks against ships. The Gaza Strip was launched following attacks by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on October 7.

“During the night of 19–20 February, French multi-mission frigates detected several drone attacks from Yemen in their respective patrol areas in the Gulf of Aden and the southern Red Sea.”said the French Defense Ministry, which insisted that “two drones were intercepted.”

Thus, they argued that “these actions contribute to maritime security between the Suez Canal and the Strait of Hormuz and are part of the defense of freedom of navigation, the objective of Operation ‘Aspides’ of the European Naval Force, EUNAVFOR, which was launched in February. 19 by the European Union under Greek command.

The EU on Monday officially announced the launch of ‘Aspides’, with which four frigates will be in charge of escorting merchant ships and repelling attacks by the Houthis against ships transiting these waters. The action was taken by rebels in response to an Israeli military offensive against the Gaza Strip following attacks by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on October 7.

The frigate “Hessen” is dispatched to the Red Sea from Wilhelmshaven, Germany, on February 8, 2024, under national and European Union command, as part of the international EUNAVFOR ASPIDES mission to protect maritime transport and ensure freedom of navigation. Will participate in. the Red Sea. , Reuters/Carmen Jaspersen

The Iran-backed Houthis, who have controlled the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and other areas in the north and west of the country since 2015, have carried out several attacks against Israeli territory and against ships with any ties to Israel and have vowed to Continue actions until Israeli forces end their offensive against Gaza.

Other than this, Threatened to attack American and British ships in the area in response to bombings in recent weeks by both countries against Yemen, which, according to Washington and London, seeks to stop rebel operations and guarantee freedom of navigation in the region.

Iranian officials have denied that they provide arms to Houthi rebels in Yemen and have insisted that the United States refute these claims. “An excuse” to “justify” its “military aggression” against the Asian country.

Saeed Iravani, Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said, “Iran categorically rejects these baseless accusations and condemns them as being used by the United States to justify and legitimize its illegal actions and military aggression against Yemen. “Wala accepts an excuse.”

Iran denies helping the Houthis in Yemen. Europa Press/Contact/Iranian Army Office

Thus, he stressed that Tehran “has not participated in any actions” that violate UN resolutions, including “the transfer of weapons and weapons systems” to the Houthis, according to the Iranian News Agency. Tasneem has reported.

“Iran consistently advocates a peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis through diplomatic channels and underlines its dedication to maritime security and freedom of navigation,” he said, before “unequivocally” condemning the US bombing. United States and United Kingdom against Yemen.

In this respect, Iravani has emphasized that These attacks “blatantly violate Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, international law, the United Nations Charter and relevant (UN) Security Council resolutions, as well as pose a serious threat to peace and security.”

(with information from EP)

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