France to pay tribute to victims of Hamas attack in Israel

France to pay tribute to victims of Hamas attack in Israel (Reuters)

France will present a Homage For the victims of the attack Hamas threw on israel The President indicated this on February 7 next in October during a press conference on Tuesday Emmanuel Macron, The event will take place on the esplanade of the monumental complex of Les Invalides, exactly four months after these massacres.

“I will pay tribute to these victims, as well as to their loved ones, their families and to all those who wish to join us,” Macron said, before offering condolences again. Loss of “his 41 children” And this incarceration of three others of its citizens in Gaza.

remains active in france Talks Closer between Hamas and Israel Queue, who acts as mediator to promote a new agreement that allows the release of approximately 130 civilians remaining in enemy hands. In fact, in the last few hours it was confirmed that thanks to the efforts of Paris and Doha, both Gazans and hostages will receive a shipment of medicine in the coming days.

Macron remains close to Qatari officials as talks push for a new ceasefire that will free the hostages (Reuters)

Thanks to this new agreement, humanitarian aid will reach the most affected areas of the enclave and detainees who have been held in adverse conditions for more than 100 days. To guarantee their arrival in good condition, the medicines will be flown from Doha to Egypt and finally to Gaza on Qatari Air Force planes.

At the same time, the War Cabinet continues to study proposals for a new ceasefire that would allow their release, which has also been promoted. usaWhich he sent to the Secretary of State last week, anthony blinkenOn a new tour of involved and influential countries.

On the other hand, Macron, regarding this ongoing war, said that his country stands by its call for peace for the entire region. Thus, he referred to the episode that began last Thursday, led by the United States and the United Kingdom, which included repeatedly Bombing on Houthi rebel positions in YemenIn response to their threats to commercial ships sailing in the Red Sea,

In that sense, the French President explained that he stayed out of the operation to avoid increasing tensions.

“France has decided not to join the coalition that has launched preemptive strikes against the Houthis on its territory. Because exactly because “Our position is to prevent any escalation of tensions.”Macron stressed that this was not a “military” but a “diplomatic” issue.

France did not take part in bombing the Houthis in Yemen to avoid escalating tensions (Reuters)

In any case, Paris has deployed a military ship in these waters that serves to protect merchant ships when threatened but is, for the time being, not involved in direct attacks against pro-Iranian militias.

Similarly, on January 7, Foreign Minister Catherine Colonnade spoke to her counterpart in Tehran, Hossein Amir-Abdullahianand urged him through “a very clear message” to end the destabilizing actions he has ordered in the Middle East.

“The risk of regional conflict has never been greater. Iran and its partners They should immediately stop their destabilizing actions, “No one wins from escalation,” the official told them after a week of exchanges between Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis and Israel.

(With information from AFP and Europa Press)

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