Galleon San José: what will be a complex operation in Colombian waters to recover the first treasure from a legendary ship that sank 300 years ago

image Source, colombian government


Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro has said that the recovery of the galleon is one of his administration’s priorities.

  • Author, santiago venegas
  • Role, bbc news world

Part of the priceless treasure that the galleon San Jose was carrying when it sank more than 300 years ago will see the light of day for the first time.

The Colombian government announced this week that it would soon carry out a “high-level” operation “with innovative technology” in deep waters to investigate and salvage parts of the shipwreck that was long overdue. One of the most sought after lost treasures in the world.

The galleon San José was a 40-meter-long Spanish ship that was wrecked in the Battle of Barú in 1708 around the Rosario Islands, an archipelago near the city of Cartagena, Colombia.

In 2015, when the Colombian state found debris at a depth of 600 meters, then-President Juan Manuel Santos described it thus: “One of the greatest discoveries of submerged heritage in the history of humanity, some say, if not the greatest”,

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