Gaza al-Shifa hospital operation: IDF captures Hamas terrorist involved in 2014 kidnapping

Israel Defense Forces kill more than 50 Hamas militants in Gaza’s Shifa hospital

The Israeli army announced the arrest this Wednesday Mahmoud KawasmeA senior member of the Palestinian militant group Hamas was implicated in the 2014 kidnapping of three Israelis in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has carried out this operation in collaboration with the Intelligence Service. shin betDuring the recent raid on Al Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

According to what the newspaper indicated israel time, The detained terrorist was transferred to Israeli territory for questioning.

The Israeli intelligence service detailed that Qawasme was released as part of a deal agreed in 2011 that freed 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for soldier Gilad Shalit, held since June 2006.

The three who were kidnapped in 2014 Eyal YifrahAged 19 and resident of Elad (Israel); gilead shaar, 16 and living in Talmon (West Bank); And Naftali FrenkelHe is also 16 years old and a resident of Nof Ayalon (Israel).

Responsibility for the kidnapping was then claimed by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, the armed wing of the Al Fatah movement.

Israel reports arrest of hundreds of Hamas terrorists

Frenkel and Shire were studying at a yeshiva, or Talmudic school, in Kfar Etzion, a Jewish settlement in the West Bank.

For its part, Israel reported on Wednesday that About 600 Hamas terrorists detained inside Al Shifa hospitalWhere it had launched a military operation three days ago with the argument that “terrorists” were hiding there.

army spokesman Daniel Hagariassured that so far they have identified 250 of those detained as members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, while they are investigating the ties of another 350 arrested with these groups.

“We are talking about a number of Islamic Jihad activists, including battalion commanders and Hamas operatives and political officials,” Hagari said in a video recorded at the entrance of the hospital.

The army indicated that its forces were working closely with Shin Bet in the final hours They have arrested over 300 suspects in the area and found weapons throughout the hospitalThat includes Kalashnikov rifles, machine guns, magazines, mortars, grenades, role-playing games and combat equipment, a military statement detailed.

The army says it also seized 11 million shekels (2.75 million euros) in dollar bills and Jordanian dinars in the search of the hospital.

Israel’s military operation continues in Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital

Two days after Israeli forces raided the Gaza Strip’s largest hospital for the fourth time on Monday morning, Israeli troops continue to occupy the medical complex, claiming it is used by Hamas for “terrorist purposes”.

“As part of an effort to capture terrorists hiding and operating within hospital buildings and using the civilian population as human shields,” the army said.

During this Wednesday morning, Israel also claimed to have killed about 90 alleged terrorists. And “160 suspects were transferred to Israeli territory for further interrogation.”

On the other hand, Israel insisted that all its military operations within Shifa are protecting “civilians, patients and medical equipment” from harm and assured that last night it had delivered 1,800 liters of water and 3.8 tons of humanitarian aid to civilians seeking shelter. Aid supplied food. Inside the hospital.

Israeli forces found ammunition and weapons at Al Shifa hospital in Gaza (Israeli military handout/handout via Reuters)

However, the official Palestinian agency Loyalty indicated that Some patients had to leave the premises and go to Bautista HospitalDespite his difficult state of health.

As the Director-General of the World Health Organization reported, despite difficulties and few medical supplies, water and food available, Shifa Hospital returned to partial operation on 2 March to care for the wounded in Gaza City. Tedros Adhanom.

In more than five months of war, the death toll in the Strip reached 32,000, 72% of whom were women and children.

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)

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