Genera PR – The proposal presented by Metro Puerto Rico shows that only one of the 14 generation units operates normally

A proposal was presented on Wednesday by generate prThe company contracted for the operation and maintenance of the production plants of Electric Energy Authority (aee), before Puerto Rico Energy Bureau (NEPR) revealed that of the 14 old generating units, only one is functioning normally, the other eight have limited capacity and five are under maintenance or repair.

of Document, title “Report on Grid Modernization and Energy Work-Related Federal Funding“, it is also clear that the current energy production is 1,454 megawatts (MW) or 34 percent of the nominal capacity of 4,247 MW.

The organization indicated that mid south coast, Located in the municipality of Guayanilla, near “catastrophic failure“On a transformer that needs to be replaced.


“Genera PR has a spare transformer and has transferred it to (central) Aguirre – Salinas – to (central) Costa Sur, (but) Assembly and testing will require an additional three weeks“, unit specified.

Furthermore, the entity detailed that they are in the process of awarding a contract for inspection of the hot gas passage and installation of the rotor. Aguirre Units 1-4, Another internal investigation by Genera PR found that Blade Aguirre CC 2-3 Turbine They are “damaged”.

In this regard, the Corporation assured that, following the results of the tests, it was determined that the transformer could not be put back into service.

“Genera PR is currently in the process of purchasing a new transformer. Meanwhile it is being carried out An analysis to evaluate the feasibility of removing and installing the alternative transformer from Steam Unit 2R”, ​​the organization added.

There are 14 units under the authority of Genera PR: Palo Seco 4, Palo Seco 3, Costa Sur 6, San Juan 9, Aguirre 2, Costa Sur 5, San Juan 7, Aguirre 1, AG-CC 1 and 2, Mayagüez, Cambalache, San Juan 6 and San Juan 5.

palo seco 4, san juan 9 And aguirre 2 According to Genera PR, they are in a “forced cut”. dry stick 3 remains in “maintenance” and south coast 6 Under “Forced Outages and Maintenance”.

in the matter of dry stick 4The repairs should be completed by February 2025. for its part, Costa Sur 5, San Juan 7, Aguirre 1, AG-CC 1y 2, Mayagüez, Cambalache, Peakers Fleet And st john 6 They are working with “limitations”. The only unit that operates “normally” st john 5,

Genera PR report period covers From 1 July 2023 to 29 February 2024,

on 15th march fiscal control board For which the purchase contract of 14 power generators was approved Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, in English) forced some $335 million.

The approved purchase of the generators establishes that FEMA will cover 90%, while the remaining 10% will come from PREPA.

After the approval of this contract, several irregularities have come to light in the process, especially due to the purchase of generators from the company new fortmatrix Generate PR.

through social networks Puerto Rico For him Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), Javier Balmaceda, He created a chronology explaining the process in which he assured that “the concerns are very high.”

According to Balmaceda, in the files of The NEPR documents “rushed” approval of $31 million from PREPA for the purchase of 14 of 17 temporary generators for the power system. Initially 17 would be purchased, however, three of these had to be dropped as they do not belong to the New Fortress Energy Company.

In a motion filed on March 13, Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience (COR3, in English) PREPA informed that the company New Fortress It was missing all three generators, so they could only buy 14 of them.

One of the concerns is that without the purchase of these three generators, which are considered more powerful The remaining 14 may provide insufficient generation for the system.

Similarly, complaints were made about the haste of the process because at 12:21 on Friday PREPA reported that no final agreement had been reached for the purchase of the property. According to Balmaceda, the NEPR files appear to be Refused to sign lease contracts for regasification equipment needed for operation of the temporary generator.


(TagstoTranslate)Genera PR(T)Government(T)Luma Energy(T)Generation Plants(T)PR(T)Puerto Rico(T)Local(T)Local(T)Metro Puerto Rico(T)MetroPR(T)PR (T)Loose Energy Bureau

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