Machado warns of “maneuvers” to “prevent the registration” of Yoris

Caracas (EFE) Chosen by Chavismo. as their candidate in the event of a disqualification that prevents the former Liberal deputy from competing.

Machado wrote on the

Historian Corinna Yoris (C) speaks after being selected as a candidate for the presidential election. EFE/Rayner Pena R.

According to the electoral schedule, the registration period for presidential candidates, which began on Thursday, will end next Monday, March 25.

Earlier, the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), had condemned that they had not been allowed “access to the (electoral) system to be able to nominate Yoris.”

However, he reiterated that “nothing and no one” will divert him from the electoral path to achieve political change in the country on the strength of majority vote.

‘Let Corina be registered’

During the day, several politicians and parties that are part of this anti-Chavista coalition have denounced these alleged obstacles through messages published on social networks with the label ‘Let Corina Register’.

In the opinion of Vente Venezuela (VV), the group led by Machado, Yoris is “not allowed to nominate for only one reason”: they are afraid of him.

For its part, the La Causa R party said, through X, that “(President Nicolás) Maduro and his allies want to impose an opposition candidate.”

Yoris – with a PhD degree in Philosophy, Letters and History – was elected unanimously within the PUD and received the “full support” of Machado, who assured that he would continue his fight against the disqualification that would prevent him from competing in the elections. Prevents from doing. Public office until 2036.

According to Machado, this decision is part of an agreed mechanism to “confront this obstacle” in the context of his disqualification, which was approved by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in January.

Vente Venezuela clarified that Yvoris would be registered as the “unitary representative” of the opposition in the presidential election “while the troubling disqualification is resolved.”

Meanwhile, head of state Nicolás Maduro confirmed that he will run for re-election for the second consecutive time, although it is not yet known on which day he will go before the CNE to formalize his aspiration.

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