Grand farewell to the young man killed in Santiago de Cuba

Mass funeral today Friday morning David Monteiro MejiasA young resident of the Segundo Frente municipality in Santiago de Cuba, who On Wednesday, his throat was slit to steal his motorcycle and other items.

A video circulated on social networks by journalist Yosmani Mayetta shows A caravan of motorcycles accompanied the three-wheeler carrying the body of the youth this morningWho was buried in a cemetery located in the Soledad de Mayari community in the aforementioned municipality of Santiago.

Mayetta Labrada, citing testimony from the victim’s friends, revealed that one person has already been arrested in connection with the murder, however. The motorcycle was not found.

In a short note published this Friday on the official Facebook profile “Heroes del Moncada”, it was also confirmed that the alleged culprit of the murder of David Monteiro Mejías had been captured.

“After an investigation into the circumstances in which the crime was committed has been concluded, he will be placed at the disposal of the courts and will be punished in the most severe manner in the penal code for these crimes.”Official media carried the findings, which did not provide details of the identity of the arrested individual.

Facebook Capture/Heroes of Moncada

David Montero Mejías, a resident of the rural community El Mazagual in the Segundo Frente municipality, was murdered on Wednesday afternoon.

According to the testimony of a friend of the victim to Yosmani Mayetta, he went on a trip and “they took his motorcycle, they cut his throat and left him on the road.” They also took away the bags he was carrying and even his bag. Shoes.

Although he was found alive, he died on the way to the municipal hospital.

The increasing violence in the province of Santiago de Cuba has also been acknowledged by the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) as a problem that requires special attention.

In late January, a senior official of that province’s Ministry of the Interior, admitted this, during a meeting with residents of the Abel Santamaría district (El Salao). Presence of criminal gangs dedicated to “implementing terrorism” among the residents.

On that occasion, the authorities sought a vote of confidence from those affected and sent a message to the perpetrators, warning them that they would be severely punished for the acts they had committed.

He specifically mentioned the case of 26-year-old youth lineman David Enrique Perdomo Álvarez, who One of those gangs cut off his right hand, According to the MININT officer, the incident for which there are already five detainees.

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