Haiti: Armed group kidnaps 6 nuns, a teacher and a driver. AlMomento.net

Haiti: Armed group kidnaps 6 nuns, a teacher and a driver.  AlMomento.net

Along with the nuns, the driver of the vehicle in which they were traveling and a teacher have also been kidnapped.

A group of unidentified armed men abducted six nuns in an attack early Friday in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, the Haitian Conference of Religious confirmed.

According to the organization, along with the nuns, the driver of the vehicle in which they were traveling and a teacher have also been abducted.

They all belonged to the group of Sisters of St. Anne and were traveling by bus to do charity work.

“These kidnappings fill the souls of Haitians with sorrow and fear,” the conference condemned in its statement, the ‘Gazette Haiti’ portal reported. “At this extremely painful moment, we invite all Christians in Haiti to form a chain of prayer for them,” he said.

Such kidnappings have become common in the capital of a country ravaged by the violence of criminal gangs in the face of government impotence and the deployment of more than a thousand Kenyan agents waiting to intervene within an international framework. After reaching an agreement to contribute to the fight against crime, the Nairobi-led peace mission.

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