Harvard expert’s 3 tips for using social networks and being happy

Currently, it seems that Social Networks They have become an extension of our daily lives. And they are the main source of information about global events, from war conflicts to tragic events like mass shootings. However, excessive use of these platforms can have a negative impact on our well-being. Arthur C. Brooks, Distinguished Professor Harvard University And happiness experts propose three recommendations Improving the quality of life from this aspect.

Brooks has expressed that it is important to limit our consumption of information. But he does not advocate ignoring world events, but focusing more on our immediate environment and what is happening within us. Focusing on family, personal relationships, spirituality, and service to others are key aspects of a fulfilling and happy life.

Don’t be overwhelmed by problems you can’t solve. Photo: Freepik.

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What to do with social networks to feel happy?

For balanced management of Social Networks and news consumption, Brooks suggests respecting certain time limits:

  • No more than 30 minutes a day on social networks
  • 15 minutes to learn about politics
  • 30 minutes for other news.
It’s not even about being isolated. Photo: Freepik.

Its central argument is that, although it is important to be informed, there is no evidence that the world is any more dangerous than before. Rather, constant exposure to negative news increases perceptions of threat. This view is contrary to that effect Social Networks Mental health may be affected, especially in children and adolescents, who are more vulnerable to the negative effects of prolonged use of these platforms.

Why is it important to pursue well-being and happiness?

Happiness, understood not only as a moment of joy but also as a state of contentment and satisfaction, has proven to have a positive impact mental health And Physics. Studies have shown that happy people are healthier, more productive and have stronger and more meaningful relationships. This pursuit of well-being is not a simple desire to feel good, but a fundamental pillar for a balanced and harmonious life.

Enjoy the present. Photo: Freepik.

When people try to get your well being, They contribute to building stronger and more resilient communities. Happy people are more kind, generous, and more willing to help others, generating a virtuous cycle of positivity and mutual support.

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