Health and wellness: Recommendations to take care of your skin on hot days Blocker Sun protection Bioderma St. Paul Dermatology ethos

Facing a hotter than usual summer, people are very concerned about what proper skin care would be like and what to keep in mind while buying sunscreen. sunscreen, In view of this, the management consulted four experts to explain what routine should be followed before stepping out of the house and getting exposed to sunlight.


doctor Lola Oregano, Dermatologist at Dermoaesthetic Center San Pablo says before you’re exposed to the sun you should have an umbrella or hat, sunglasses with UV protection, sunscreen for the face and body, lycra to protect yourself from the sun, and enough liquid in your purse or backpack. There must be substance. Avoid dehydration.

The doctor recommends applying sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving the house and every 3 hours during the day, while using a doctor-recommended facial moisturizer at night is ideal. dermatologist, Furthermore, it makes it clear that this product should be used not only in summer but also 365 days a year.

“The products must be represented by dermatologist “Depends on the patient’s phototype, sensitivity (allergy to any medicine), pre-existing skin disease and the area where it will be applied.” Supplement.

Regarding the product offering, experts comment that the most cosmetic products will dominate the market, while the most sought after will be those that last longest on the skin. The inhibitors have not been or will be requested to be tested on animals. “cruelty free”.

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cleveland clinic

For Melissa Piliang, dermatologist at Cleveland ClinicThe key to effective sun protection is to follow a simple routine. “Start with clean, dry skin, making sure to remove any dirt or residue. Next, apply a light moisturizer and wait for a few minutes until it gets completely absorbed. This will help maintain hydrated skin And soft. Finally, apply it liberally on all areas exposed to the sun. Make sure to cover the skin completely and repeat the application every two hours.

Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. is the time when the sun’s rays are most powerful, so, Dr. Piliang suggests that you wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses during this period, as well as a product that Wear something that has sunlight. Protection factor (SPF) 30 or higher.

“Skin type plays a fundamental role in choosing the right product. For those with sensitive skin, it is important to choose sunscreens specifically formulated for this skin type, as they are gentle and less likely to cause irritation,” he emphasizes.

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Pacific Health

doctor Ana Ramos, Medical Director of Pacifico Salud Comments that sunscreen should be used daily and should be part of everyone’s routine. In addition, he cautions that there are different products for adults and children, because the skin of the younger children in the home is more delicate and requires less irritating components.

“To choose which one to use, skin type should be taken into account, as sunscreens are less irritating and recommended for sensitive skin, while sunscreens are recommended for oily skin, but Every individual must evaluate it,” he mentioned.

In expert opinion, preferences point towards sunscreens or blockers that respect nature, are organic, promote care for the environment and reflect skin habits and lifestyle. Healthy Life, Furthermore, it highlights that these types of products are less irritating and gentler than chemical products.

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From Bioderma, Doctor Melissa Onofre ApazaHighlights that there are currently a variety of products available and at every price point, so it is easy to have healthy skin and help prevent diseases through basic routines: healthy beauty, skin repair-hydrating and sun. To take care of it from damage.

“After being in the sun, use soothing products aloe vera To refresh the skin. Avoid products with alcohol as they can dry it out further and cause damage,” he advises.

If you go to the beach or pool, Dr. Onofre mentions that you should apply proper sunscreen even if the day is cloudy and repeat it when you get out of the water. dry skin, It also suggests wearing light, dark-colored clothing that covers most of the skin and that has sun protection (UPF), as well as foot protection to avoid burning.


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