Heartbreaking message from the brother of the Cuban woman who disappeared almost a month ago in Havana.

CubitaNOW Editorial ~Saturday 6 January 2024

Yoandri Marin, the brother of a young Cuban woman who disappeared nearly a month ago in Havana, wrote a heartbreaking message for her.

The young man, who remains active on social networks to ask for help to locate his sister, returned to his claim for support.

He said, “If you know the whereabouts of my sister Carildi Marin, please call 54291630. I hope to hear from you and every hope remains.”

“My sister, how much I miss you, I pray to God that nothing bad happens to you, God willing we will find you soon. We love you, the entire family, immensely,” he said.

This week, Marin left a message for drivers. He said, “I ask every motorist or transporter who was able to see or take my sister to a specific location since December 14 to call me, if you wish, privately, with your identification. Tel: 54291630 will not be disclosed.”

“I just want to know about my sister’s activities so that I can find out her whereabouts. Please, family, they are very distressed and devastated,” he pleaded.

“It’s been 22 days without hearing from him. Please help me share this,” concluded Marin, who is pleading for the community’s support to find the young mother missing since December 14.

The young man has shown himself to be affected by the situation.

“Today we are 31 years old and my sister’s disappearance has left us with no life left. Tita, if you manage to see this message, try your best to communicate and know that you are okay, I do not understand why neither calls nor messages and people who have seen you They say,” he said.

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