Heartbreaking new details of porn star Anastasia Grishman’s murder emerge

Khmelovsky was jailed for eight years after stabbing Anastasia Grishman to death (Image: Newsflash).

A jealous boyfriend murdered his adult star girlfriend, chopped her into pieces 22 times and dumped her body in a bathtub.

By Daily Star

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Dmitry Khmelovsky, 24, has been sentenced to eight years in prison after stabbing 26-year-old Anastasia Grishman at least 22 times in an apartment in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Details of the grisly murder, which took place in late July 2022, were presented to a court, where it was heard that Khmelovsky, also known as Dmitry Chernyshov, had disposed of Anastasia’s body and posed as her online. Was presented. Social until a week after his death. Death.

anastasia grishman

Khmelovsky also responded to friends’ text messages and maintained an online presence for a week after her body was dumped in the apartment’s bathtub.

It was not until August 10 that Anastasia’s body was found and one of her friends informed the police. Khmlovsky alleged that his partner had asked him to kill her, citing mental problems.

He later confessed to the gruesome murder, which he says began when he stabbed his wife in their bedroom while she lay with her back to him. The murderer Khmelovsky later claimed that she died in his arms.

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