“Hello, I’m a murderer of brothers”: Alleged criminal who beat three elderly men to death over debt pleads guilty. International | news

It was not a simple love scandal that led to the deaths of three elderly brothers in Spain. The motive would be a debt and when the prime suspect saw that the debt had not been repaid he beat him up in revenge. They nicknamed him “El Negro de Morata”.

Morata’s case, as the press has called it, has been on the lips of many since the end of last week. The bodies of the three Gutiérrez Ayuso brothers, Amelia, Pepe and Ángeles, were found on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at approximately 11:30 a.m. in their home in the community of Morata de Tajuna, burned, piled up and with traces of blood. Madrid, Antena 3 indicated.

First versions suggested that the triple murder was the result of a “love scam”, but on the morning of Monday, January 22, a man appeared before authorities and said he was responsible for the triple murder.

“Hello, I am the murderer of the brothers,” said El Negro de Morata.

ABC reported that the triple murder suspect hanged himself in the morning in the city of Arganda del Rey.

He indicated that personnel of the Civil Guard Homicide Group arrested him “after he confessed to the murder”.

“Hello, I am the murderer of Morata’s three brothers,” The subject may have told agents. He then explained the motive: “Revenge for an alleged debt of 50,000 euros that he may have lent.”

This is how the suspect was identified on ABC Dilawar Hussain FC, 43 years. They call him “El Negro de Morata”.

The man is of Pakistani origin and “lived with Gutierrez Ayuso for four or five months between 2022 and 2023.”

The brothers may have rented a room to Hussain to earn money and pay off some of the sisters’ debts.

According to 20 Minutes, the autopsy revealed that the brothers were beaten to death.

Dilawar Hussein FC, or ‘El Negro de Morata’, was known as a loan shark of dubious reputation in the Madrid municipality of Morata de Tajuna.

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“El Negro de Morata” was free

A year earlier, in 2023, ABC reported, Amelia Gutierrez Ayuso had already called local police and accused the Pakistani of “slapping her. A month later,” on February 24, the suspect decapitated the same woman. But hit with a hammer.”

According to EFE, Dilawar Hussain FC was arrested on February 24 last year for hitting Amelia on the head with a hammer and kicking her when she fell to the ground. According to the sentencing, the victim suffered three lacerations to the skull, among other injuries.

For these incidents “he was sentenced to two years in prison and banned from approaching or interacting within 500 meters of the victim for two and a half years, but The court suspended his prison sentence because he had no criminal record. And agreed to pay compensation of 2,900 euros, although it also imposed an obligation on him not to commit a crime for two and a half years.

Therefore, Dilawar Hussain FC “He was released from jail after six months of temporary detention.

I killed them in revenge, they owed me 50,000 euros.

suspect in triple crime

It was this crime that sent the Sabadell twins to prison: Pilar received a 16-year sentence and her sister Dolores, the partner of the murdered man in July 2021, was sentenced to 20 years

Love scandal and Morata’s brother

The sisters were deceived by getting attention with affectionate messages on Facebook. These words were supported by the profiles of handsome men, but they did not match those of the people who contacted them. One was a former minister of Latvia and the other was a military man and politician from the United States, he reported in El Español.

The first profile is so crude that one photo has a watermark of the Getty Images agency.

The sisters believed that the subject or subjects – who wrote to them on Facebook – were their boyfriends.

Amelia’s fake boyfriend revealed himself to be Edward, “and he convinced the woman that another soldier had fallen in love with Angeles,” El Español said. “Both sisters started false long-distance relationships with alleged military men.”

The scammer told them that “Angeles’s lover, an army captain, had died, leaving behind an inheritance of seven million euros which they wanted to send to the sisters in Spain.” Never happened.

On ABC they reported that Amelia and the Angels were “telling it around town that the former’s virtual boyfriend was about to collect that inheritance.” But when it came, the scammers asked for money from them.

“Edward convinced them that, to get that money, they would have to pay for a series of services, transfers and trips.” Due to the pressure, the sisters lost the inheritance that their parents had left for them. Furthermore, “he gave his pension directly to Pepe, the third brother, who suffered from intellectual disability,” reported El Español.

To get out of his financial difficulties, he also asked friends for money, “he even contacted the town priest and the mayor of Morata.” This whole tragedy started 7 years ago when Amelia fell into the trap laid on Facebook. Later, Angels could not even escape from the trap of false love.

In total, the sisters may have lost around 400,000 euros, according to a close friend.


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