Houthi rebels claim attack on US military cargo ship near Yemen

Yemen’s Shia Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for a missile attack on a US military cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden on Monday.The attack on a US ship was the fourth in the last week, amid rising tensions between Washington and rebels in the Red Sea.

“Naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces (Houthi) launched a military operation against a US military cargo ship (Ocean Jazz) in the Gulf of Aden using appropriate naval missiles,” Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sariya said. Account.

This military operation by the Houthi rebels is part of their retaliation “against any American or British aggression against Yemen”. And one way to deal with it is to “attack all sources of threat in the Red and Arabian Seas”.

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A Houthi military spokesman said, “The response to the American and British attacks is inevitable and any new offensive will not be spared.”

In the same statement he said that the rebels were continuing their military operations The Palestinian Authority will impose a “blockade on Israeli shipping in the Red and Arabian Seas until a ceasefire is reached in Gaza and the siege is lifted”.

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Similarly, they said they continue to adopt all defensive and offensive measures under Yemen’s right to defend itself and in line with the Yemeni position of support for Palestine.

In the last week, Yemen rebels attack three more US ships in the same area Within the framework of its rejection campaigns against Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip.

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The Houthis have been attacking boats in the Red Sea and the Bab el Mandeb Strait since November 19.They say it has ties to Israel, which has provoked a reaction from Washington and London, which have bombed rebel positions in Yemen in recent weeks.

Additionally, the United States last week announced the designation of the Yemeni group as “terrorist”, which the rebels described as “respectful” and confirmed that they would cease their actions against merchant ships. will not do.


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