How Artificial Intelligence is being used to transform hospitals: Timely detection of cancer, septicemia and more diseases

AI can be used to identify early symptoms of heart failure. (pictorial image infobae)

The emergence of artificial intelligence is becoming a reality for health care systems, demonstrating its potential in improving hospital services ranging from cancer diagnosis to administrative tasks.

To respond to some of the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including staff shortages and systemic inefficiencies that hinder care delivery, hospital leaders at some of the world’s best medical centers This technology has started to be adopted to increase efficiency and accuracy.,

This trend was highlighted in the recent publication of Newsweek’s “World’s Best Hospitals” ranking, where unpublished cases of AI use in health care were shown. Modern medicine like detecting and preventing serious diseases in small towns or in big companies.

Some experts use algorithms to identify and prevent health risks in companies with large numbers of employees. – (pictorial image infobay)

Although the implementation of artificial intelligence brings with it new risks and ethical questions, for Dr. Gianrico Farrugia, President and CEO of the Mayo Clinic in the United States, “Healthcare must embrace artificial intelligence“Without discounting the need to reform care systems.

The statements also anticipate further work Code of Conduct Guidelines for Appropriate Use of AI In the field of health, the task was assigned to a panel of the US National Academy of Medicine and led by Farrugia.

Some medical centers around the world are adopting artificial intelligence technology to improve diagnostics, optimize administrative tasks, and increase efficiency. (pictorial image infobae)

For his part, Paulo Nigro, executive director of the Cirio-Libanas Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, highlighted the relevance of data and AI in the development of the sector and warned that “The hospital of the future is a data-driven hospital, An approach that reflects the trend accelerated by the health crisis posed by COVID-19 towards decision making based on accurate and real-time information.

In the case of Johnny Spisso, CEO of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Hospital System. The perception is not so optimistic and worrying: “We want to do the latest and greatest, but in the safest and most thoughtful way,” he said, emphasizing the importance of balancing innovation with safety and ethics.

Artificial intelligence is becoming a visible reality in specialized health care systems globally. (pictorial image infobae)

The use of AI is already allowing doctors Evaluate CT scans and X-rays more accuratelyIdentifying early symptoms of diseases such as breast, pancreatic cancer and osteoporosis.

One of the most notable applications occurs at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, where Artificial intelligence is playing a fundamental role in the early diagnosis of sepsis.One of the main causes of death in emergency patients.

Dr. Tom Mihaljevic, President and CEO of the Medical Center, highlighted With AI we can identify potentially at-risk patients “Very, very quickly” of developing sepsis. Implementation of algorithms powered by this technology resulting in a 40% improvement in treatment, It has been described by experts as an “unprecedented success”.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of medicine, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases. (pictorial image infobae)

Thanks to the analysis of large amounts of data, diseases can be identified in cities and companies, as has happened in Brazil, where the pandemic provided an opportunity to apply artificial intelligence to detect pathologies in large populations .,

Gonzalo Nigro of Cirio-Libanas Hospital explains how Uses algorithms to identify and prevent health risks in companies with high numbers of employees As per the needs identified by AI.

Apart from diagnosis and treatment, AI is being used to improve operational efficiency in hospitals. According to health sector leader Jana Spisso, this has facilitated Documentation and management of patient recordsAs well as data security and integrity.

As a result of these advances, Costs are reduced and burden on employees is reducedWhich allows them to devote more time to direct patient care.

The potential of AI to transform the health care system is significant. (pictorial image infobae)

However, the advent of AI is under debate. Financial and demographic pressures also play an important role in this change And even aging population, rising costs and declining workforce are common challenges for all health care systems around the world.

Professor Aymeric Lim, CEO of the National University Health System (NUHS) in Singapore, emphasized that “All health care systems in the world face similar challenges”indicating that ethical and beneficial adoption of AI could be an important strategy to overcome them.

The truth is that artificial intelligence is being integrated into hospitals This has the potential to address many systemic challenges and improve the quality of care, Moreover, it can transform the health system, not only improving the accuracy of diagnosis and efficiency of treatment, but also promoting prevention and care.

In the end, all This technological revolution with AI must be managed strategically, Balancing promises to improve society with ethical considerations and security in the world.

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