How does sleep apnea affect the hearts of cancer patients?

Sleep apnea may help predict heart problems in patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Monday, February 12, 2024 (HealthDay News) — The sleep apnea appears to be associated with an increased risk of heart failure among patients of cancerA recent study says. obstructive sleep apnea This occurs when relaxed muscles cause a blockage in the airway, causing breathing to stop and the person to temporarily wake up. The new study included 296 normal heart patients and 218 Cancer Patient With heart problems, the researchers said. sleep apnea It was actually more common between heart patient in general among those treated cancer54 versus 39 percent, the results show. But sleep apnea between Cancer Patient The researchers found that cardiovascular problems were equal to or greater than other traditional factors now used to assess their heart health risk. For example, left ventricular ejection fraction (lvef), a measure of how good Heart Pumps blood through the body, used to predict heart problems related to anti-inflammatory therapy cancer,But cancer patients who had normal LVEF showed greater evidence of heart stress if their sleep apnea was not treated.The study found. Known anti-inflammatory treatments cancerSuch as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy, are toxic Heart.”The sleep apnea should be incorporated into current risk algorithms and a larger study is needed to evaluate its impact. sleep apnea In this high-risk population. We believe that the valuation of sleep apnea should be part of routine risk assessment for patients undergoing anticancer treatments. cancer“The lead researcher said in a press release from the meeting Dr. Mini DasMedical Director of cardio-oncology Of baptist health In Louisville, KentuckyThese findings will be presented during American College of Cardiology On advances in cardiovascular care for cancer patients. This event took place in Washington DC., and online Friday through Monday. Findings presented at medical meetings should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

More information: Yale School of Medicine has more information about the cardiovascular effects of cancer treatment.

Source: American College of Cardiology, news release, February 9, 2024

*Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter – ©The New York Times

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