How prices closed this Monday, January 8

The financial dollar continues to rise and the cash at settlement (CCL) has already crossed $1,200.

The MEP dollar also joined the race and closed above $1,150.

With political uncertainty over the future of the DNU and the bill sent by the government to Congress, after setbacks in adjudication and failing to prevail in committees, some options with positive real rates have been added to keep pesos in the market. Are. , generating continued dollarization of portfolios.

Cash with Liquidity rose more than 5.2% on the day and closed at $1,199.97, after last week’s first round started at $973.15. It rose by more than $227 in the first five rounds of the year.

For its part, MEP also recorded strong progress and closed at $1,141.62, up 3.3% on the day. Both prices recorded their highest historical prices on the day. MEP reached $1,155 during the day.

Thus, the exchange gap has increased again, with a distance of 44% between the CCL and the official dollar and 37% with the MEP.

In a radio interview, President Xavier Miley attributed the latest increase in financial dollars to political complications in the context of putting a battery of change into both projects.

Free Dollar closed the day at $1,000 for buying and $1,050 for selling. The blue currency remained stable during the day but ended the day up 20 pesos to close at 1,050 pesos. Thus, free dollars increase the gap to 26%.

The official price has been adjusted 1.5 pesos from Friday’s close and is trading at $833.5 at Banco NaciĆ³n and $812.20 in the wholesale segment.

With these values, the dollar value for spending in foreign currencies with the card is $1,333.60.

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