How prices closed this Thursday, February 1

In a steady day for the blue, which closed unchanged compared to Wednesday, the note was given by the financial dollar, as the MEP rose nearly 5% ($57) and was once again above the blue, while the CCL also Going up by 2.4% ($30) and stable above $1,280.

Meanwhile, the session in Deputies continued to focus on giving half approval to the omnibus legislation promoted by Javier Miley (which now has fewer and fewer omnibus articles left, from 664 to 224).

The round was also influenced by the approval of the seventh review of the agreement with the IMF in Washington, paving the way for the disbursement of US$4.7 billion.

Market eyes were now focused on the financial dollar, which had been a haven for savers as long as negative real interest rates persisted.

Like the previous day, this Thursday the price of the blue dollar closed at $1,145 and $1,195 for buying, after starting a decline of ten pesos and recovering in the middle of the day.

This difference compared to the wholesaler is 44.52%. Despite today’s pause, the marginal currency gained $170 (+16.59%) throughout January.

rise in financial dollars

The biggest increase of the day was recorded in the MEP price, which increased by 54 pesos, once again breaking the $1,200 pesos threshold and reaching the blue price. MEP is trading at $1,229.94 (+4.62%) and the difference is 48.75%.

The Contado con Liqui (CCL) also followed the MEP race on the first day of the month, but in a more restrained manner. It rose about 34.85 (+2.8%) and closed at $1,283.80, again approaching 1,300 and widening the gap to 55%.

According to the BCRA survey, the dollar price at Banco Nación was adjusted to $846.00 and it stood at an average of $873.49 in the rest of the banks.

The card has a dollar value of $1,353.60, the most expensive on the market.

The volume operated in the cash segment of the Free Exchange Market was US$243.14 million.

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