How to deal with allergies in spring? doctors suggest

The spring season in Puerto Rico began with a high prevalence of environmental allergies, increasing the incidence respiratory diseasesEspecially in people with a tendency to these conditions.

Aeroallergen measurement station is located Caguas Spore levels found this Friday have tripled, which could affect people with asthma and allergies, doctor warns benjamin bolanosAssociate Professor, Department of Microbiology, U.S. Medical Sciences Complex (RCM) University of Puerto Rico,

“In addition to high levels of fungal spores, we also have high levels of tree pollens in Caguas”The Director of the Aeroallergen Station of the Allergy Bureau of the U.S. Reported American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Who settled in San Juan and Caguas.


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