How to Make $10,000 a Year with Three Stocks?

important point:

  • There are three dividend stocks that allow you to receive US$10,000 in liabilities per year, in the case of a US$115,000 investment.
  • Three companies are not as well-known among investors: Ares Capital, Energy Transfer and Enterprise Products Partners.
  • Know all the details below.

Many famous investors always recommend having passive income, especially Robert Kiyosaki. And one of the most effective is to have stocks in your portfolio that pay Dividend,

In this sense, there are three companies that provide $10,000 in liabilities per year In terms of investment approximately 115,000 USD. It is important to clarify that one-third of the total investment will be allocated to each company.

3 dividend stocks to earn $10,000 per year

1. AresCapital (ARCC)

This is a company that delivers Dividend Yield 9.49%Which allows you to receive 3,638 USD per year with an investment of 38,333 USD.

Due to high profitability, Ares will have to earn a lot of income to meet shareholders’ needs. This won’t be a problem, as the firm is projected to generate revenues of $1.5 billion in 2023.

Apart from posting a modest gain of 0.6% so far this year, the specialty of Ares shares is that they are not volatile.

2. energy transfer (ET)

thanks to one Profitability of 8.93%The company rewards $3,420 per year if you invest an additional $38,333.

Energy Transfer’s earnings are extremely solid, as they are expected to grow 15% to $1.3 billion in 2023, yielding free cash flow of close to $970 million.

The company’s shares have registered a rise of 5.4% so far in 2024.

3. Enterprise Product Partners (EPD)

The firm offers a Dividend Yield 7.72%So if the last piece of the pie (38,333 USD) is invested the estimated profit is 2,960 USD per year.

Enterprise Products Partners has increased its dividend over the past 25 years, which has given investors confidence.

The company’s shares rose 3.4% in 2024.

*This is not a recommendation for investment. Do your own research before trading.


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