They found a dead whale in the Gulf of Barcelona in Anzoategui (photo)

They found a dead whale in the Gulf of Barcelona in Anzoategui

From the Ministry of Ecosocialism (MINEC) in Anzoategui they reported the discovery of a dead whale in the Gulf of Barcelona, ​​specifically in the marine area of ​​the security zone of the José Antonio Anzoategui Oil and Petrochemical Complex.

Javier A. Guipo/ correspondent

Through its social networks, the unit reported that on Sunday, February 18, they had received reports from the coastal surveillance detachment of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) regarding the stranding of cetaceans.

In the statement they indicated that a joint commission had gone to the site where the marine mammal was found to determine that it was an adult male specimen, approximately six or eight meters long, and that it also presented an advanced state of decomposition. .

Meinecke reported that he consulted researchers such as Jaime Bolaños (cetacean expert) and marine biologist Clemente Valladares to attempt to define the species. After observing the characteristics, he chose herring whale and sperm whale, although he pointed out that due to the swelling of the body and the impossibility of performing other tests on site, it is difficult to determine the taxon of the animal.

The Commission, along with the Coast Guard, moved the body to a safer and more stable location to complete protocols for its final disposal.


They found a dead whale in the Gulf of Barcelona in Anzoategui

According to Meinecke, based on data from the Directorate General of Biological Diversity, more than 700 cetaceans have been stranded in Venezuela since 1989, mostly from the dolphin family.

Regarding whales, about 40 cases have been recorded. The most commonly found species are the herring whale, fin whale, and humpback whale, while 11 of these animals could not be identified due to the decomposed conditions in which they were found.

Similarly, he recalled that the last incident of large cetaceans stranding in Anzoátegui occurred in April 2014 in Playa Los Olivitos, located in the Caribbean area between the municipalities of Peñalvar and Capistrano.

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