“I asked for my medicine, but they left me waiting”

Claudia Tavares is 50 years old, lives in Zacapu, Michoacán, and is one of those who told their stories about breast carcinoma in the report “Going into debt, the other side of drug shortages”, published in EL Universal on January 11 Shared. ,

Tavares called MegaPharmacy to supply 120 mg of denosumab, an injectable solution; His prescription was issued by the Mexican Social Security Institute on January 23.

However, he did not receive good attention from the megapharmacy call center: “They left me waiting, they never answered the first time, I dialed twice.”

They asked the operator if the service was 24 hours a day and he assured them it was, but “we have to work a lot at night.”

The call center verified the patient’s prescription data, patient name, health center, and date of issuance.

It should be noted that the second time she called the megapharmacy they assisted her but they indicated that they would send the medicine within the next 48 hours and provided the folio number IMS-16-35-27-2401-1848 . Monitor medication shipments. Despite this, the doses never arrived at Tavares’ home.

Fortunately, Hospital No. 1 in Morelia was the one that made the medicine available three days after the prescription was issued by IMSS.

Tavares does not have sufficient financial resources to explore options in the private sector. She receives support from a federal social program, but it is barely enough to cope with her situation and support her two children. Sometimes he participates in the business of some acquaintances to survive.

Claudia was one of the patients who demonstrated at Mexico City International Airport on November 16 to demand their medicine. Thus, they obtained an agreement in which health professionals were committed to supplying medicines and providing care in Michoacán, but on various occasions the required doses are not delivered on time.

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