“I don’t do my nails”

Studying medicine involves years of sacrifice and countless hours of study to acquire all the necessary knowledge. The number of topics that we find in this area is almost infinite, as well as the number of pages of notes that students must study.

Knowledge that impacts not only the academic world but also the daily lives of students. This is according to TikTok user @martiumedicina, who claims that she has changed some of her habits since studying medicine.

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things you’ve stopped doing

bones crackling, The young woman says, “Ever since I first saw an X-ray of a man whose spine was literally broken because his neck bone was snapped, I thought about it and I’ve stopped doing it.”

Cracking your bones, something you've stopped doing

Cracking your bones, something you’ve stopped doing


Stop painting your nails every month. The young communicator explains that, with all the pain in her heart, she has left this practice aside. According to him, various scientific articles are linking it to skin cancer (although he clarifies that there is still no scientific proof).

Additionally, he says many beauty shops have no disinfection protocols for the materials used and are transferred from customer to customer, potentially promoting the transmission of diseases: “Always follow the instructions of professionals. Explore. It’s better not to go to the cheap places to save a little money.” Money, which can be very expensive,” he insists.

in number, @martiumedicina’s video has made a huge impact, with more than 1.4 million views at the time of writing these lines, as well as 66,000 likes and more than 800 comments.

Top Comments, “At the end of the race you stop living”

“Can you imagine if I had stopped doing things because I studied microbiology? I would never have got out.”

“I’m scratching my neck watching videos and doing semi-permanent nails at home 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃”

“How do I stop myself from cracking? I crack my back all day long and if I don’t I feel like I’m not getting relief.”

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This article was published in La Vanguardia on April 17, 2023

via @martiumedicina

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