“I had him a little bit younger,” Adele Exarchopoulos revealed about her son’s education.

Adele Exarchopoulos has always been very discreet when it comes to her private life, The 30-year-old actress shines in each of her roles while preserving her daily life and her loved ones.

Adele Exarchopoulos: a young mother

The actress met in 2016 rapper doms : In 2017, their son was born. Adele Exarchopoulos gave birth to her first child at the age of 24.

In an interview on the show Les Rencontres du Papoutin on France 2 on January 6, 2024, she explained: “A child is a big responsibility. I had that a little younger, I was only 23.”

The actress further said. “I think I try to be an example every day. I know I’m not a perfect example, but kindness is natural and comes with love. When I love people, I care. Am.”

In an interview for Click, Adele Exarchopoulos already explained: “Being a mother, discovering this role, I feel that today my son educates me more than I did as a child. With you you immediately realize that no matter how much you lecture or talk to him, if he does not see you doing this and that in everything – in faith, in everyday life, in humility, in the way you treat people. behave with, with oneself – with oneself, or with him… (…) So, I think he protects me and he educates me more than me and then, as far as As far as my son is concerned, this is my limit.

The mystery about Adele Exarchopoulos’s son

On France 2, Adele Exarchopoulos confirmed that the arrival of her son has changed everything in her daily life. She previously admitted that this allowed her to keep her feet on the ground and remain connected to her daily life despite her glamorous and difficult job: “The thing that gives meaning to my life is to a large extent my son. The sight of my son gives a lot of meaning to my life. Sometimes I say to myself: ‘But what did I do before when he was not there? For whom, why did I do things?’ This is the answer to my questions, my son. This is the meaning of my life.”

And if the La Vie d’Adèle actress’s son is so important to her, she has made sure to protect her son as much as possible, since his birth. private life,

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