Inca Hospital will be able to train residents in internal medicine

Till now it had the mandate to train only pharmacy and digestive systems residents.

He Ministry of Health has been recognized Regional Hospital of Inca to train specialist doctors in internal MedicineIt is the third specialty of the Raiguer Health Center to achieve this training accreditation, after the units in which pharmacy And Digestive System,

Recognition by the Ministry is based on the following levels quality of careresearch, teaching and training capacity Which provides a hospital centre, the Health Ministry said in a statement.

Specialized Health Training Commission The Regional Hospital of Inca has been put in charge of compiling and preparing the necessary documents to obtain this accreditation, which recognizes the competence and quality of care of the health center.

in the election list of new residents The pharmacy unit of the Inca Hospital can now be selected to complete the training process this year (which is being tested this Saturday), and the digestive system and internal medicine units can also be selected in 2025. Training of specialists represents a leap in the quality of Inca’s regional hospital

(Tags to translate)Study in Mallorca(T)Faculty of Medicine(T)Inca Hospital(T)Health professionals(T)Health care in the Balearic Islands(T)Part Forana(T)Municipalities of Mallorca(T)Part Forana

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