Independent platforms confirm third femicide in Cuba in 2024

Independent feminist groups confirmed the third femicide this year in Cuba, with two deaths: The victim and his accomplice, who committed suicide after committing the crime,

The incident occurred last Friday afternoon in the apartment where the two lived in Havana and, according to witnesses and complaints from residents of the area, the incident could have been avoided if the police had played their role.

“We confirmed femicide Delin Fernandez Carassa“Between the ages of 32 and 34, which occurred on January 11 at the hands of her partner in her home in Alamar, Habana del Este,” said the Yo Si Te Creo Platform (YSTCC) and the Alas Tenosas Gender Observatory in Cuba (OGAT). .

“Many civilian sources condemn the alleged inaction A patrol team arrived at the scene and did not proceed to enter the house, “Citizens did the right thing by alerting the police and reporting it,” he said.

Facebook Capture / Alas Tenosas – Cuban Feminist Magazine

The YSTCC and OGAT have urged the families of the deceased to report the police to the Military Prosecutor’s Office for their lack of understanding and lack of prevention.

“Intervention in incidents of this type cannot be left in the hands of citizens, who do not have the preparation or power to stop armed people. This is the job of the police, whose salaries come from the public treasury, i.e. the job of the citizens. And from taxes,” the groups insist.

DeLeon was the mother of a nine-year-old girl from a previous relationship.,

internet user Ernesto Sanchez He shared videos on Facebook of police on the street and curious neighbors looking on.

He condemned, “The police were there all morning but they couldn’t do anything to stop it, they didn’t want to do it, they wasted time and they let that guy kill his wife.”

According to Sanchez, the crime occurred on the fifth floor of Building 855, located in Zone 24 of Alamar.

Event reporter Niover Lisia identified the killer as Ariel Duran, who used a knife to kill his partner.

Testimonials on social networks agree Duran died after jumping from the fifth floor into the void From another building. There is also an 11 year old girl in his family.The result of a previous relationship.

So far It is not known whether there was any history of domestic violence In pairs.

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