Its manufacturer recommends washing it with Windex

In the middle of this month, complaints were reported by several of its owners tesla cybertruckthat their trucks were rusting and also, the bodywork was rusting lose shine quickly,

If this is given, Wes Morrill, Cybertruck Chief EngineerUsing simple kitchen products, such as the one written about Barkeeper’s Friend or WindexCan help eliminate them.

Wes Morrill also indicated that another product, citysurf 77Works well for the same problem and that’s a sponge Scotch Brite, which does not scratch, may also help with the solution. Although all this may work, there is still a problem. If these stains develop after only a day or two of exposure to the elements, homeowners should perform a similar cleaning at least once a week as part of Cybertruck surface maintenance.

What cannot be ignored is the fact that using these types of stainless steel stove cleaning products actually removes a microscopic piece from the surface of the stainless steel every time it is used, which can damage it over time. only time will tell.

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